Mud motor recycler for HDD rig

The majority of Mud Motor use is in the drilling of Directional Holes. Many of our HDD contractor clients asked if we have mud motor for sale, they prefer a complete solution for triplex mud pump, mud motor, recycler, mixing unit, GN can provide mud recycler and mixing unit as a package.

HDD mud motor recycler
HDD mud motor recycler

Mud motor also called Drilling Motor refers to a Progressive Cavity Positive Displacement Pump placed in the Drill string to provide additional power to the bit while drilling. The PCPD Pump uses Drilling Fluid to create eccentric motion in the power section of the motor which is transferred as concentric power to the drill bit. The Mud Motor uses different rotor and stator configurations to provide optimum performance for the desired drilling operation, typically increasing the number of lobes and length of power assembly for greater horsepower. In certain applications, compressed air, or other gas, can be used for Mud Motor input power. Normal rotation of the bit while using a Mud Motor can be from 60 rpm, to over 100 rpm.

GN mud recycler and mixing unit can match with Ditch Witch HDD rig and Vermeer rig according to their required mud flow capacity. The recycled drilling fluids by GN mud recycler and mixing unit are provided to mud motor for charging.

Mud motors are powered by drilling fluid ,the fluid consists of water mixed with bentonite or polymer additives designed to match various soil conditions. The fluid is pumped down through the drill string to the downhole motor, which converts the flow to rotary speed and torque.

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Mining exploration drilling mud separation equipments

Mining exploration is the process of finding ore to mine. Mining exploration methods vary at different stages of the process depending on size of the area being explored, as well as the density and type of information sought.

Diamond drilling is a kind of mining exploration drilling, used in the mining industry to probe the contents of known ore deposits and potential sites. Early diamond drilling opened up many new areas for mining, and was related to a boom in mining exploration in remote locations. Before the invention of the portable diamond drill, most mineral prospecting was limited to finding outcrops at the surface and hand digging.

drilling mud separation equipments
drilling mud separation equipments


At the 1st stage of mining exploration, sometimes you only drill a small hole like 100~150mm, not so deep. Because of strict regulation of environment protection, you will have to process the drilling mud flowed from the hole. GN solids control can provide a proper solution for your drilling effluents.

GN mini shale shaker GNZS752 is a good solution for such small treating capacity drilling, its nominal treating capacity is 35m3/h at API60 mesh screen. If you need 10~15m3/h process rate, you can use API100 mesh screen. They can perfectly meet your requirement. You do not need a hydrocyclone because the treating capacity is too small, fine mesh screen can finish the job of hydrocyclone.

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Directional drilling machines for sale

Directional drilling (DD) is seen as a marriage of conventional road boring and the directional drilling of oil wells.

It is also known as directional boring, horizontal drilling, slant drilling, or deviated drilling, is a method of trenchless technology that involves drilling a non-vertical well or borehole. It can be broken down into three main groups: Oilfield Directional Drilling, Utility Installation Directional Drilling (or H.D.D. or Horizontal Directional Drilling) Directional boring, and in-seam directional drilling to extract coal bed methane.

directional drilling machine
directional drilling machine

Many directional boring machines also use a drilling fluid or slurry called mud. Other machines use foam or air, or both. The drilling fluid or mud is composed of bentonite clay and water with additives for enhancing performance. The higher-pressure jet of fluid is used in soft ground to cut through the soil. The cuttings then get suspended in the fluid. As more fluid is pumped down into the hole, the cuttings are brought back up to surface where they settle in a pit or are removed mechanically.
GN solids control equipments are used to handle the drilling mud with cuttings, to separate the big cutting out of the drilling fluids, so that the mud can be used for drilling again.

For oilfield directional drilling, we provide a complete solids control system, including 4-class cleaning of mud, shale shaker – desander – desilter – centrifuge, sometimes vacuum degasser is applied.

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Directional boring equipments in Brazil

Directional boring has evolved steadily over the last 20 years and is now the preferred method on many installations due to its low cost and low impact on surroundings.

GN solids control will ship a complete directional boring mud recycling system to Brazil for application. The directional boring equipments we produce including HDD mud system, shale shaker, mini mud cleaner, desander, mixing pump, jet mud mixer, etc.

directional boring mud system
directional boring mud system

Directional boring, commonly called horizontal directional drilling or HDD, is a method of installing underground pipes and conduits along a prescribed bore path from the surface, with minimal impact to the surrounding area.

GN direction boring equipments application

The process is used for installing telecommunications & power cable conduits, water lines, sewer lines, gas lines, oil lines, product pipelines and environmental remediation casings. It is used for crossing waterways, roadways, shore approaches, congested areas, environmentally sensitive areas and any area where other methods are more expensive.

They have been used in Australia, Indonesia, Brazil, France, Singapore, application including HDD, diamond drilling, water well drilling. Our directional boring equipments have been showed in Australia no-dig show, and it is approved by many HDD operators. We will take another set of HDD mud cleaning system in CIPPE ( world’s largest oil show) held in Beijing, if you want to check its performance, pls visit us in CIPPE.

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BEM Mini Mud cleaner GNPJ752

GN new designed BEM mini mud cleaner, it is special for small handling capacity mud system, such as HDD(horizontal directional drilling), water well drilling, desanding unit and small workover rig mud tank system.

GN BEM mini mud cleaner GNPJ752 Features:

mini mud cleaner
mini mud cleaner

1 with 2 panel shaker screens at API 60~80 mesh size, total screen area 1.35m2

2 vibration motion: BEM( balanced elliptical motion), which is the lastest technology, BEM shaker’s treating effect is better than traditional linear motion shaker.

3 With 4” desilter cone to separate 20 microns solids, cone qty is optional, 4pcs, 6pcs, 8pcs, 12pcs, depends on the handling capacity you required.

Or with 10” desander cone to separate 75 microns solids, cone qty is optional, 1pc or 2pcs, depends on treating capacity.

4 2ea Italy Oli vibration motor 0.7HP

5 Pretentioned shaker screens are locked by wedge, which is very convenient to replace shaker screen

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2-Panel Mini shale shaker for sale

GN solids control developed a new product- mini shale shaker, model GNZS752. It can meet the requirement for the clients who do not need so large treating capacity, but want to find an economic way to separate big solids from the drilling fluids.

mini shale shaker
mini shale shaker

GNZS752 shale shaker with unit treating capacity 264gpm, 2 screen panels with total screen area 1.35m2, G-force 6.3G adjustable, total power of this shaker is only 1.0KW, and total weight 800 kgs. Based on these parameters, we called it mini shale shaker.

This linear motion shale shaker GNZS752 can be widely used in HDD, water well drilling , shadow drilling and other drillings which need small treating capacity. After the new mini shaker is developed, there are many clients showed their interests. Before they have to use bigger shaker 2-panel GNZS852 or even 3-panel GNZS703. These shakers can treat the drilling mud better because of their large treating capacity, but it is a waste of money.

Comparison between GNZS752 and Brandt mini Cobra 2-panel shaker

Motor power: Brandt mini Cobra is 1.1KW x 2 , GN mini shaker is 0.5KW x 2

Screen area: Brandt mini Cobra is 1.6m2, GN mini shaker is 1.35m2

Screen panel: Both of them are 2 panel

Screen type: pretension, repairable

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ATEX decanter centrifuge to Europe

Last week GN solids control shipped a unit of decanter centrifuge and feeding pump to Europe. Our equipments can meet the requirement of the clients who need high quality and more strict operation status.

bowl decanter
bowl decanter

The bowl decanter can meet the following features:

1 Electric motor and control panel are explosion proof and have ATEX certificate.

2 The decanter centrifuge can work both in 400V/50HZ and 440V/60HZ. When you finished the drilling operation in one site, you can only change pulley belts to use it in different electric ratings.

3 The control panel utilized in zone 1,exp standard is Eex deⅡBT6.

4 The centrifuge used in ATEX EX zone 2(CAT 3G), TEMP T3 hazardous area.

5 Erosion affected area to be protected with abrasion protection –Tungsten Carbide coated stainless steel parts.

6 Include a signal line, with equipment fitted for a local/remote switch and a signal stating to the remote locatation(SPDT contact) LOCAL status which shall block any remote functionality and a similar stating remote status which likewise shall block any local actions.

7 Nominal treating capacity is 40m3/h,actual treating capacity is 30m3/h.

8 The max rotary speed can reach 3200rpm in 60HZ.

9 Painting: NORSOK M-501

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Solid liquid separation centrifuge in Colombia

Last week we shipped another set of decanter centrifuge to South America. GN solids control is a new star for South America market, there are several sets of centrifuge working in site in Colombia. Our improved high speed centrifuge GLW360x1250 has been proved in good performance in solids liquid separation.

solid liquid separation centrifuge
solid liquid separation centrifuge

GN improved decanter centrifuge has the following features:

G-force 2035G, separation point 2~5μm, differential torque 4000N/m max, bowl speed( during working) 3200rpm, differential ratio 57:1.


The bowl has a cylindrical/conical shape and rotates at a pre-set speed optimal for the application. The slurry rotates with a different scroll design or by modifying an existing scroll. Scroll pitch and single or multiple flight configurations are important design variables.


The scroll rotates at a slightly different speed than the bowl and conveys the deposited solids toward the conical end of the bowl.

Materials of construction

GN solids control uses high-quality stainless steel for all wetted areas. Bowl and scroll castings are made from centrifugal cast high strength and corrosion resistant stainless steel.

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Coal bed methane in Indonesia

Coal Bed Methane (CBM) is natural gas contained primarily (about 90% -100%) of methane (CH4) found in coal seams. Methane is also the major component in petroleum natural gas (about 70% – 90%) that is widely used today. CBM is generated from the microbiological process or thermal process in the coal seam and recognized as one of the cleanest fossil fuels. Indonesia has one of the largest CBM reserves in the world with a potential 453 trillion cubic feet (“Tcf”), more than double the country’s natural gas reserves. The South Sumatra Basin, the largest CBM basin in Indonesia, is estimated to contain in-place resources of approximately 183 Tcf; and the Kutai Basin, the third largest CBM basin in Indonesia, is estimated to contain in-place resources of approximately 80 Tcf (SPE, 2004).

CBM shale shaker
CBM shale shaker

GN has exported many sets of mud tank system to Indonesia for CBM project. The technique to exploit CBM is different with that applied to the fossil natural gas, while both share the common in terms of marketing and utilization. Simply, CBM is exploited by drilling shallow wells into coal seams, dewatering the seams, extracting the methane from the seams and finally compressing the methane.

When design the CBM mud tank system, you should consider the following points:

1 shale shaker inlet method, usually the CBM well is lower than oil drilling well, maybe they will not use overhead manifold, but they have a mud pit and a submersible slurry pump to shale shaker.

2 fine particles, CBM drilling may contain much fine particles, most of clients will use high speed centrifuge.

3 Mud tank height, it should be a little lower than oil well drilling mud tank system.

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Oil well Workover service in Turkey

Producing oil and natural gas wells occasionally requires major repairs or modifications, called “workovers.” Workover services are carried out with the same type of rig used to perform maintenance services, although the rig often is outfitted with specialized equipment including rotary drilling equipment, mud pumps, mud tanks and blowout preventers. A workover may last anywhere from a few days to several weeks to accomplish.

workover rig mud tank
workover rig mud tank

Many oil wells rely on artificial lift methods to make the oil surface. Oil can be lifted by different techniques , which require specialized equipment operating under dificult conditions for long periods of times. These equipments are assigned to the wells as long as their use is economically rentable. Failures of these equipments over the time require maintenance services such as cleaning, reinstatement, stimulation and others, which are essential to the exploitation of the wells. These services are performed by workover rigs.

GN solids control provides related solids control equipments and consultant service for workover rig operation. The most common workover model clients may require is XJ550HP, 450HP, 350HP, 650HP. GN solids control owns standard design of solids control equipments for these workover rig models.

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