GN mud mixing hopper are widely used in HDD(horizontal directional drilling) and oil gas drilling for bentonite mixing.Mud Mixing unit is combination of drilling mud hopper and centrifugal pumps,it’s mixing force comes from the centrifugal pump.

The mud mixing hopper, also called a jet mixing hopper, in which materials are put into the circulating mud system. The mud hopper is powered by a centrifugal pump that flows the mud at high velocity through a venturi nozzle (jet) below the conical-shaped hopper. Dry materials are added through the mud hopper to provide dispersion, rapid hydration and uniform mixing. Liquids are sometimes fed into the mud by a hose placed in the hopper.
Mud Mixing Hoppers
The GN Mud equipmet range of mud mixing hoppers delivers safe, accurate and reliable mud mixing for both on- and off-shore applications. Design of the hopper is focused on key safety and usability features such as dust-free operations, interfacing abilities and remote or manual control options.
The mud mixing unit can be delivered with an integrated Venturi-type mud mixer to provide fast, easier and more effective mixing of fluids and powders. We can also design and manufacture upgrades of existing mud mixing hopper systems to ensure dust-free operations and more modern interfacing abilities. Feeding and dosing is controlled using Open / Close valves; the valves can be controlled remotely (optional) or locally.
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