Mud trip tank for drilling mud system

GN design drilling mud trip tank for petroleum drilling mud circulation system.GN mud agitators and centrifugal pumps are components for  the mud trip tank .With GN experienced engineers,our selection for the mud mixers and trip pumps are compatible for the trip tank.

Drilling mud trip tank definition

Drilling mud trip tank is a small mud tank with a capacity of 10 to 15 barrels, usually with 1-barrel or H-barrel

Mud Trip tank
Mud Trip tank

divisions, used to ascertain the amount of mud necessary to keep the wellbore  full with the exact amount of mud that is displaced by drill pipe. When the bit comes out of the hole, a volume of mud equal to that which the drill pipe occupied while in the hole must be pumped into the hole to replace the pipe. When the bit goes back in the hole, the drill pipe displaces a certain amount of mud, and a trip tank can be used again to keep track of this volume. Continue reading “Mud trip tank for drilling mud system”

Mud Gas Separator Sizing & Design

Mud gas separator sizing and design selection is important for petroleum well drilling.Welcome to consult GN for the right sizing and fit design for your mud gas separator in oilfield drilling mud.

Mud/Gas Separator Sizing and Evaluation

Recent wellsite disasters have led to an increased emphasis on properly sized mud/gas separators. To assure safty,we

Mud Gas Separator sizing design
Mud Gas Separator sizing design

should know mud/gas separator technology and recommends separator configuration, components, design considerations, and a sizing procedure. A simple method of evaluating mud/gas separation within the separator vessel has been developed as a basis for the sizing procedure. A mud/gas separator sizing worksheet will assist drilling personnel with the sizing calculations. The worksheet provides a quick and easy evaluation of most mud/gas separators for a specific well application. A brief discussion of other mud/gas separator considerations is provided, including separator components, testing, materials, and oil-based-mud considerations.

The mud/gas separator is designed to provide effective separation of the mud and gas circulated from the well by venting the gas and returning the mud to the mud pits. Small amounts of entrained gas can then be handled by a vacuum-type degasser located in the mud pits. The mud/gas separator controls gas cutting during kick situations, during drilling with significant drilled gas in the mud returns, or when trip gas is circulated up. Continue reading “Mud Gas Separator Sizing & Design”

Drilling mud cleaning unit

Description of drilling mud cleaning unit components installed,mud equipments appointment and the work are given below in the technological sequence.

Mud cleaning unit consists of the following parts

Mud cleaning unit
Mud cleaning unit

*Mud shale  Shaker;
* Hydrocyclone cyclone separator;
* Sludge pump;
* Float valve;
* Pipeline pressure;
* Suction pipe;
* Regenerative air heater;
* Electric control unit;
* Semi-weight;
* Tent shelter.

The drilling mud Cleaning unit performs the function of receiving drilling mud from the well and clean it from cuttings.

The mud cleaning unit first tank has three-section container consists of compartments, two of which have a height of 0,9 m and the volume of 4,5 m each, and the third – the height of 1,6 m and the volume of 9 m3. The design capacity of Uneven compartments was adopted based on the technological features of the Continue reading “Drilling mud cleaning unit”

Drilling rig mud system package

GN Drilling rig mud system package are widely used for petroleum drilling and HDD(Horizontal directional drilling rig)

Land Rig mud system Packages

Drilling rig mud system
Drilling rig mud system

We deliver complete, integrated mud system packages for installation on land rigs. Our focus is on delivering custom-designed products and a quick and cost-effective mobilisation and demobilisation process.

Offshore Drilling Rig mud system Packages

We offer a range of world class drilling fluid systems for installation on new builds or upgrades of existing offshore rigs including jack-ups, semis and platforms.

Drilling Mud Equipment

GN Drilling Mud engineers and manufactures a range of drilling fluid systems and equipment. All products are available either as stand-alone products or as part of a bigger package.

Drilling rig mud equipment independent Equipment
* Drilling mud Shale Shaker
* Drilling mud Cleaner Continue reading “Drilling rig mud system package”

Drilled solids discharge Decanting Centrifuges

Drilled solids discharge model decanting centrifuge is for drilling mud barite recovery.

drilled solids decanting centrifuge
drilled solids decanting centrifuge

Following is 1 type of solids discharge model decanting centrifuge.

Two Drilled solids discharge centrifuges, with suitable feed pumps, capable of running in continuous operation, suitable for:
a)Drilled solids discharge mode or barite recovery mode,
b)All types of water based or at a later date oil based well fluids,
c)The drilled solids discharge decanter centrifuge should process fluids with densities between 9 and 20 ppg; there may also be a need to process fluid densities up to 20.0 ppg with possible addition of Hematite
d)Decanter Centrifuges design will be variable speed type to handle high and standard feed rates.
e)Feed rates expected are + 60 gpm (25/7.5 HP) for low volume and + 250 gpm (50/15 HP) for high volume centrifuges
All discrete items for decanting centrifuges, feed pumps, etc should be skid mounted as single units/crane lifts;
All associated feed pumps, lines ancillary equipment to interface with drilling rig solids control/mud tank system;

Welcome to consult us for drilled solids discharge decanting centrifuge.

Drilling Mud Material

As drilling mud system manufacturer,some times we got inquiry for drilling mud materials.HDD mud materials,and oil gas drilling mud materials.

But we do not make drilling mud material,only drilling fluids recycling system,and equipments.

Below is the inquiry for drilling mud materials

Drilling Mud BENTONITE :
sodium base bentonite :
-yield point is(15 centipoises in (16) M3/MT)
in Concentration of approximately (6.5 g/100ml)
The API filtrate can be reduced to 15 ML and below the Moisture content shall be not exceed.
(10%) by weight, (2.5%) residue on A (200) mesh screen max. .Packaged in multi walled paper of 1000kg.

Drilling Mud CMC LV: Continue reading “Drilling Mud Material”

Mud Cleaner Top Rank

With GN mud Cleaner being more and more famous,now search “mud Cleaner” in,You’ll find GN mud cleaner products page rank Top 5.

See tech specs for :Drilling mud cleaner

Mud Cleaner Top 6 Rank in Google:

  • Oilfield Glossary: Term ‘mud cleaner

    Mud cleaners are used mainly with oil- and synthetic-base muds where the liquid discharge from the cone cannot be discharged, either for environmental or › ResourcesOilfield GlossaryCachedSimilar
  • Mud Cleaners – Mud Control Equipment

    Mud cleaners were developed in the early 1970s to remove fine drilled solids from weighted mud without excessive loss of barite and fluid. – CachedSimilar
  • MUD CLEANERS – Soli-Con: Solids Control, Mud Cleaners, Centrifuges

    Soli-Con carries mud cleaners that we believe offer top performance. The 20L touts a low maintenance, lubrication-free design. Coupled with the industry’s – Continue reading “Mud Cleaner Top Rank”
  • HDD Horizontal directional drilling rig

    China Horizontal directional drilling(HDD) rig ,HDD Equipments,and machines manufacturer list.As a Chinese Horizontal directional drilling mud systems manufacturer.GN Solids Control people collect some best suppliers list of HDD rig to worldwide clients.

    Learn more about:Horizontal directional drilling mud system

    GN Solids Control

    Vemeer China VBM Company,  is Balama VBM : Vermeer Beijing Manufacture Joint venture Vermeer USA with Balama China,Specializing in manufacture and sales of vermeer horizontal directional drilling rig.

    As the largest professional manufacturer of HDD (HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILLING) rigs in China, we are able to manufacture different HDD with different capacity, from 15 tons to 450 tons. FDP-series horizontal directional drilling rigs, which are mainly used in the construction of underground pipe systems. Continue reading “HDD Horizontal directional drilling rig”

    Mud jet mixing system

    Mud jet mixing system is available for oil gas drilling & HDD (Horizontal directional drilling).

    Jet mixing pump is ok and what i understand from the photographs is that this jet mixing system is for online usage. That means that the mud is to be mixed while the intake of water is going on which is contrary to the actual system adopted in directional drilling wherein the water tanks are filled up first and then the mixing procedure starts so what we actually need is a jet mixing system which can actually act as a stirrer in the mud tank itself.

    Mud jet mixing system
    Mud jet mixing system

    We must also keep in mind that the speed of water intake is much higher than pouring of bentonite so online system for simultaneous water intake and mixing seems a little typical.
    Bentonite mixing unit
    I will try and send you some snaps of typical mud mixing system used in HDD in my next mail which can throw some more light on what i am trying to convey.

    There might be some misunderstanding for our jet mixing sytem,from your description,it seems our system just meet the requirements,pls see enclosed photoes for pipes linkes of our jet mixing the following explanation:

    1,For mixing,firstly,water tanks are filled up, then adding bentonite from the hopper,the mixing system mix the bentonite and fluids from the pump,then goes from the blue pipe into the tank. Continue reading “Mud jet mixing system”

    Drilling mud combo cleaner

    The drilling mud combo claner is a combination of desander desilter,and underflow linear motion shale shaker.

    • Inquiry for drilling mud combo cleaner:

    Drilling mud combo cleaner
    Drilling mud combo cleaner

    We are XX company an indian independent oil and gas  drilling Company in India, currently operating in the 4 blocks across the country. we need one mud cleaning  system having combo cleaner of desander 2 cone and desilter 18 cone and rest specification is attached kindly quote us your best price .waiting for your reply.

    • Combo Cleaner Mud Combo Unit

    The Combo Cleaner combines hydrocyclones and a Vibratory Screen to provide liquid/solids separation at a high flow rate. As a first stage, the mud is processed through the hydrocyclones, the cleaned fluids is carried out the Hydrocyclone overflow and the concentrated underflow (solids) are deposited on a vibratory screen deck. The screen deck imparts a rapid linear motion, producing an energy force that dewaters and conveys the solids to the discharge end of the screen. The screened fluids flows into a collection pan located below the screen deck. The cleaned liquid overflow from the hydrocyclones and the screened liquid may be blended together.Drilling Mud Cleaner Combo Unit – Hydrocyclones over a  Linear Motion Shale Shaker Screening Deck. Continue reading “Drilling mud combo cleaner”