Barite Recovery decanting centrifuge

Barite Recovery decanting centrifuge is for drilling mud solids control.GN manufacture complete line of decanting centrifuge for Barite recovery.

High speed decanter centrifuges  of 3200r/min  and variable speed Barite decanting centrifuge are available)

Learn more:Drilling mud decanting centrifuge

Inquiry for Barite recovery centrifuge from Indonesia Client:

Barite Recovery Centrifuge
Barite Recovery Centrifuge

–    Fully hydraulic driven Barite Recovery Centrifuge(GN centrifuge are electric driven,Hydraulic driven barite recovery centrifuge is unavailable) , with minimum 19” bowl x 70 length. Capable to run at minimum from 0 to 2800 rpm without changing any pulley. Driven by explosion proof electric motor. Completed with a variable speed positive displacement supply submersible slurry pump, automatic safety shutdown if under excessive torque, scroll and bowl anti-plugging device, and emergency stop for safe operation
–    G-Force at max speed : 2,060 G’s
–    Capable to process 200 GPM at 9.0 PPG fluid
–    C/ W Centrifuge stand and Feed pump
–    Dual mode centrifuge for barite recovery and solids control.

Mud Mixing Hopper HDD mud mixing system

GN mud mixing hopper are widely used in HDD(horizontal directional drilling) and oil gas drilling for bentonite mixing.Mud Mixing unit is combination of drilling mud hopper and centrifugal pumps,it’s mixing force comes from the centrifugal pump.

mud mixing hopper
mud mixing hopper

The mud mixing hopper, also called a jet mixing hopper, in which materials are put into the circulating mud system. The mud hopper is powered by a centrifugal pump that flows the mud at high velocity through a venturi nozzle (jet) below the conical-shaped hopper. Dry materials are added through the mud hopper to provide dispersion, rapid hydration and uniform mixing. Liquids are sometimes fed into the mud by a hose placed in the hopper.

Mud Mixing Hoppers

The GN Mud equipmet range of mud mixing hoppers delivers safe, accurate and reliable mud mixing for both on- and off-shore applications. Design of the hopper is focused on key safety and usability features such as dust-free operations, interfacing abilities and remote or manual control options.

The mud mixing unit can be delivered with an integrated Venturi-type mud mixer to provide fast, easier and more effective mixing of fluids and powders. We can also design and manufacture upgrades of existing mud mixing hopper systems to ensure dust-free operations and more modern interfacing abilities. Feeding and dosing is controlled using Open / Close valves; the valves can be controlled remotely (optional) or locally.

For more information about our mud mixing system Continue reading “Mud Mixing Hopper HDD mud mixing system”

HDD Mud Cleaning and regeneration system

GN Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) mud Cleaning and regeneration system and equipments become more and more popular,just last week,we got two orders from around clients,1 is from a HDD contractor company,and the other is from a company want to do HDD mud service.

HDD Mud Systems inquiry

hdd mud cleaning regeneration system
hdd mud cleaning regeneration system

Inquiry on 30/11/2009

GN Solids Control
Currently looking at a project where we need to run pitless directional drilling technology.
What we would like is a HDD mud system that can handle around 300GPM
Mud will be water based, and self mudding, no additives.
System to be built on skids and all drilling mud  shakers and pumps etc driven by hydraulics.
If required I can supply all the hydraulics when unit arrives in Australia.
Please quote on 4 of these systems.
Also quote on 6 mud/storage tanks with capacity of 35,000ltrs or more.
Tanks can be no wider than 2.4 mtrs and must be skid mounted.
If I could have an indicative quote by the 2nd  December  would be appreciated.
Thanks for your time and look forward to your reply,

Mud cleaning and regeneration system inquiry Continue reading “HDD Mud Cleaning and regeneration system”

Mud desander for HDD

HDD mud desander is a hycdrocyclone desander separator used in Horizontal directional drilling mud system.

GN design and manufacture mud desander for HDD mud system and oil gas drilling.

HDD( Horizontal directional drilling)

HDD mud desander
HDD mud desander

Directional drilling (or slant drilling) is the practice of drilling non-vertical wells. It can be broken down into three main groups: Oilfield Directional Drilling, Utility Installation Directional Drilling ( or HDD., Horizontal Directional Drilling, Directional boring) and in-seam directional drilling (Coal-Bed methane).All of the HDD need mud system.and many of them needs mud desanders to be mounted on the mud tank.

What is a mud desander?

Usually  the cone  diameter is more than 6″is called Desander, and used as the second-control equipment in drilling operation. We commonly used 10 “and 12” cones desander to separate solid-phase particle size 47-76μm in the drilling mud.

A mud desander is a  hydrocyclone device that removes large drill solids from the whole mud system. The desander should be located downstream of the shale shakers and vacuum mud degassers, but before the desilters or mud cleaners. A volume of mud is pumped into the wide upper section of the hydrocylone at an angle roughly tangent to its circumference. As the mud flows around and gradually down the inside of the cone shape, solids are separated from the liquid by centrifugal forces. The solids continue around and down until they exit the bottom of the hydrocyclone fluids desander (along with small amounts of liquid) and are discarded. The cleaner and lighter density liquid mud travels up through a vortex in the center of the hydrocyclone, exits through piping at the top of the hydrocyclone and is then routed to the mud tanks and the next mud-cleaning device, usually a desilter. Various size desander and desilter cones are functionally identical, with the size of the cone determining the size of particles the device removes from the mud system. Continue reading “Mud desander for HDD”

Oilfield Flare Ignitors Systems

GN oilfield flare ignitor system is also called Electric Ignition Device.The flare ignitor used for igniting gases from mud gas separator.

An Flare ignition system for flares is described particularly suitable for use in remote areas with limited facilities and which includes as components a power source and specifically storage batteries with a solar battery for recharging and having an associated gasoline engine driven blower for supplying air for ignition, together with an ignition panel

oilfield flare Ignitors  system
oilfield flare Ignitors system

adapted for ready connection to a source of fuel gas, to the blower, to the power source, to the stack pilot, to the pilot ignitor and if desired to the flare header for purge gas supply. The panel preferably includes a manually oprable push button for an ignition spark plug, has indicators of pilot operation and has manual control of the delivery of fuel gas for ignition, for use as pilot gas and for use as purge gas. A thermocouple is provided at the pilot for control of indicating lamps indicative of pilot operation or non-operation as well as purge failure.

Flare Ignitor is also called oilfield torch unit.

Flare Ignitors ffshore exploration and well testing. Our models are available in 12 volt solar or 110 volt electric, each comes with a standard manual flame detection, and if requested can be fitted with a thermocouple for detection and monitoring. Continue reading “Oilfield Flare Ignitors Systems”

Horizontal & Vertical Sand Pumps for drilling fluids

Both horizontal sand pump and vertical sand pumps are used in HDD(horizontal directional drilling) and oil gas drilling fluids system.

Horizontal sand pump
Horizontal sand pump
  • Horizontal sand pumps

Horizontal sand pump is an important equipment in oil rig mud cycling system, be able to deliver corrodive drilling fluid(with suspended particulates) or other liquid media under similar work condition, are the best optional pumos of sand removers, mud recovers and mixing hoppers as well as perfect perfusion pumps of mud pumps. For design of their parameters, that equipment with which such pumps are used together can operate under the best work condition has been fully considered. These pumps are mainly characterized by good versatility and exchangeability of parts, less leakage of shaft seal, reliable operation, long service life and convenient maintenance.

Horizontal sand pump are used for feeding drilling fluids mud cleaners,mud desander,desilters.And provide the force for particle separation of drilling fluids.

  • Vertical Sand pump Application Instruction

Vetical sand pump in drilling mud circulation system is usually submersible pump,it usually used to feed drilling mud decanter centrifuge,and sometimes also used to feed mud cleaners,desanders,desiters. Continue reading “Horizontal & Vertical Sand Pumps for drilling fluids”

Drilling fluids vacuum tank degasser

Drilling mud vacuum tank degasser is one type of degasser in oil gas drilling fluids system.Another type of degasser is called Atmospheric Degasser.

Both of the vacuum degasser are devices that removes air or gases (methane, H2S, CO2 and others) from drilling fluids. There are two generic types that work by both expanding the size of the gas bubbles entrained in the mud (by pulling a vacuum on the mud) and by increasing the surface area available to the mud so that bubbles escape (through the use of various cascading baffle plates). If the gas content in the mud is high, a mud gas separator or “poor boy degasser” is used, because it has a higher capacity than standard degassers and routes the evolved gases away from the rig to a flaring area complete with an ignition source.

GN Drilling mud vacuum degasser.

ZCQ240 Degasser

Vacuum tank degasser
Vacuum tank degasser

ZCQ270  Degasser

ZCQ300 Degasser

ZCQ360 Degasser.

Vacuum Tank Degasser

Vacuum Type is the most common form of degasser. It can be horizontal, vertical or round vessel. A vacuum action is created to pull in the gas cut mud. When the liquid enters the tank it will flow and be distributed to a layer of internal baffle plates designed for the mud to flow in thin laminar film and is exposed to a vacuum that forces the gas to escape and break out of the mud.The vacuum pump moves the escaping gas from the vessel discharging it to the rig’s flare or environmental control system.

Derrick mud vacuum tank degasser.

Continue reading “Drilling fluids vacuum tank degasser”

Drilling mud system design from Existing mud tank

A client from Korean need us to re-design his present mud storage tank and existing shale shaker to be a complete mud recycling system.

See more :Drilling mud  systems

GN Drilling Mud system design as following:

  • 1, About mud tanks capacity and numbers:

The mud system needs 2 tanks,1 recycling tank,1 storage tank. We design and make the recycling tank for you.
Recycling tank Dimensions: 8×2.2×1.8m , Capacity: 36m3
Storage tank: Your present container. We offer you drawing to redesign your container. It’s much easier to re-make your container to be a storage tank then to be a recycling tank.

  • 2.    IS Mud pump included in one mud tank ?

No. Please review our quotation for all equipments for a total mud system.

  • 4.    Is mud tank existed or will make newly?
  • 5.    If it make newly, I wonder how it takes period

Answer: Recycling tank is customized for you, we will make the recycling tank newly, but the recycling tank and other equipments are manufactured by different workforce at the same time. So totally, so it only takes 25 days to make the total mud system for you.

Drilling fluids(mud) Function and Type

Drilling fluid(mud) is an important component in the drilling process. The drilling fluids(mud) performance very important functions in oil gas drilling,and HDD(Horizontal directional drillling).

Drilling fluids(mud) Function

  • Remove cuttings from well
  • Suspend and release cuttings
  • Control formation pressures
  • Seal permeable formations
  • Maintain wellbore stability
  • Cool, lubricate and support the bit and drilling assembly
  • Transmit hydraulic energy to tools and bit
  • Ensure adequate formation evaluation
  • Control corrosion (in acceptable level)
  • Facilitate cementing and completion
  • Minimize impact on environment

Drilling fluids(mud) system function is for cleaning drilling mud,and recycling drilling fluids.

Drilling Fluid(mud) Types

There are several types of drilling fluids used depending on the drilling conditions encountered:

* Water-based muds are used most frequently. The base may be either:

o fresh water, or

o salt water.

* Oil-based muds. Continue reading “Drilling fluids(mud) Function and Type”

Drilling fluids system for trenchless equipment.

Drilling fluids system for trenchless equipment /HDD applications from GN are cusomized,cost-effective,and reliable spare parts are guaranteed.

GN solids Control mud system is divided into three divisions now:

The oil & Gas drilling fluids system is usually multi-tanks with explosion proof drilling mud equipments.

oil drilling mud system
oil drilling mud system

The HDD (Trenchless) mud recycling system is usually small unit,signle-tank mud system.

Features of GN Trenchless mud equipment.

Fetures of GN HDD mud Equipments

  • Customized System Type:From single tank mud system to multi-tanks system
  • Effective Equipments integration:Complete drilling mud equipments from a single source-GN Factory.
  • Cost-Effective Solution:China leading horizontal directional drilling mud system technology.
  • Assured customer service:We can send our experienced engineers for installation,and training up customer engineers.

    Trencheless mud system
    Trencheless mud system

The small signle-tank system is made with multi-fuctions:Bentonite jet mixing system,mud treatment equipment, and mud tank for recycling and storage.

Learn more about trenchless rig drilling fluids system.