GN Drilling rig mud system package are widely used for petroleum drilling and HDD(Horizontal directional drilling rig)
Land Rig mud system Packages

We deliver complete, integrated mud system packages for installation on land rigs. Our focus is on delivering custom-designed products and a quick and cost-effective mobilisation and demobilisation process.
Offshore Drilling Rig mud system Packages
We offer a range of world class drilling fluid systems for installation on new builds or upgrades of existing offshore rigs including jack-ups, semis and platforms.
Drilling Mud Equipment
GN Drilling Mud engineers and manufactures a range of drilling fluid systems and equipment. All products are available either as stand-alone products or as part of a bigger package.
Drilling rig mud equipment independent Equipment
* Drilling mud Shale Shaker
* Drilling mud Cleaner Continue reading “Drilling rig mud system package”