GN solids control is in a process of design and manufacture vertical cutting dryer, we will get it into production in several months.

The first step in managing drilling wastes is to separate the solid cuttings from the liquid drilling mud. Once solid and liquid drilling wastes have been separated, companies can use a variety of technologies and practices to manage the wastes. For some applications, drilling wastes are solidified or stabilized prior to their ultimate management practice. The management technologies and practices can be grouped into three major categories: waste minimization, recycle/reuse, and disposal.
GN solids control equipments can make the first step of solids control, to clean the drilling mud and reuse for drilling rig.
If the solids collected by the shale shakers are still coated with so much mud that they are unsuitable for the next reuse or disposal step or if the used mud is valuable enough to collect as much of it as possible, the solids can be further treated with drying shakers utilizing high gravitational separation, vertical or horizontal rotary cuttings dryers, screw-type squeeze presses, or centrifuges. The cuttings dryers recover additional mud and produce dry, powdery cuttings.
Our equipments can do a series job for drilling cuttings management, firstly we use high G shaker to dry the drilling cuttings and recycle a small part of the drilling fluids for re-use. Most of the drilling cuttings are dried and transferred to vertical cutting dryer by screw conveyor. The dry the drilling cutting is, the better performance can reach by the cutting dryer.
After processed by vertical cutting dryer, the large solids are separated out, and sent to Cement Plant or brickyard or used for construction industry. The separated fluids are pumped by screw pump to a high speed centrifuge for further process. Finally the clean mud can be re-used for drilling rig or re-used to make new mud.
Following is the ways can reuse the drilling waste.

l Recycling Muds
l Roadspreading
l Reuse of Cuttings for Construction Purposes
l Restoration of Wetlands Using Cuttings
l Use of Oily Cuttings as Fuel
We have a standard system for onshore and offshore drilling waste management, and we have enough knowledge for the features of onshore and offshore drilling mud, welcome to communicate with us for the detailed proposal.