Drilling Waste Disposal in Colombia

The landfills are low-cost and low-technology, so until now, it is the most popular method for drilling waste disposalin developing companies, who do not have much concern about environment.

drilling waste management equipments
drilling waste management equipments

1 Landfill

After drilling waste are maximum recovered and the certain level for oil, salt, metals or industrial chemicals can reach the disposal standard set up by environment Department, it can be landfill disposal. Even with low-concentration levels, pits must be structurally sound and isolated from groundwater sources, so that it can not be thread of groundwater supplies.

Waste with slightly higher concentrations can be blended with clean soil to meet acceptable levels. Pits can be located within plant rooting zones, but cannot intersect with ground water tables. If waste exhibits toxic concentrations, disposal can only occur in specially engineered and legally permitted landfills (on-site or off-site)

2 Drilling waste management

Only when the drilling waste is maximum recycled and treatment and reach the certain level, it can be landfill. GN solids control worked together with drilling waste management service companies, we provide equipments to support the service company to do the drilling waste disposal service.GN Vertical cutting dryer can make the drill cutting dryer and oil content in the cuttings is lower than 5%, then the water can be chemical treatment and the cuttings can be landfill or others.

Although there are a lot of methods for drilling waste disposal, the core solution is to reduce the drilling waste and maximum recycling them. A proper solids control system can minimize the drill cuttings and recycle more useful drilling fluids, a good drilling waste management system can recycle more cleaning drilling fluids from the cuttings, both of them can less the drilling waste disposal. GN provide both solids control & waste management solution, you need further process for the drilling waste disposal.

Screw Conveyor for Drill Cuttings

GN designed and produced customized screw conveyorfor drill cuttings. We can design screw conveyor system according to client’s requirement.

Screw Conveyor for drill cuttings
Screw Conveyor for drill cuttings

GN has standard 14 inch and 18 inch diameter screw conveyor for option, also you can choose 2 section, 3 section, or 4 section ( maximum). Each Screw with electric motor and control panel, we also provide motor and control panel with IEC certification for option. The painting and material can also be choose, we have carbon steel, stainless steel and another much harder material than stainless steel for option. The installation tilt Angle of the Auger has 2 options, ≤5°or ≤40°. You can choose fixed speed or variable speed drive for the screw propeller.

The screw conveyor is a simple way to transport drilled solids. Screw conveyors are typically used to transport drilled cuttings from the shale shaker area to a discharge port, skip or to secondary processing equipment ( like drilling waste management system). The inside scroll( screw) also called auger, which is drived by a electric motor, drill cutting is fed into the Screw Conveyor and transported along by the rotating scroll.

Screw conveyor size and horsepower requirements will vary, dependent upon the length of the run, bit size, rate of penetration and flow rate. Additional sizes are available upon request. For detailed chart, pls contact GN solids control.

Mud cleaner Maintenance

Simply speaking, mud cleaner is shale shaker, desander, desilter assy, it is also called 3 in 1. GNZJ703 & GNZJ853 is the best choice for large treating capacity, large screen area mud cleaner, most of our clients use GN made mud cleaner before GN decanter centrifuge, this action can improve the performance of GN decanting centrifuge.

mud cleaner
mud cleaner

Mud cleaner maintenance including

1 vibration motor maintenance

(1)Clean dust on shell regularly

(2)Before operating, must check the bolts to confirm whether there is loose or not. Otherwise, we must screw bolts tight before running shaker

(3)Inspect the cable, whether there is wear, hold down, crushing, etc.

(4)the vibration motor should be under good lubrication during operation:

Motors before fixed on shaker, the bearing is filled with SKF specific lubricate grease, the temperature range is -40 ~ 200℃

2 shaker screen maintenance

(1)Before every shut off, the shaker should run without any load for 5-10 minutes, at the same time, use clean water to flush screen clean

(2)Every time finish operation, the shaker frame and screen should be flushed by water. Pls replace new screen or repair the damaged screen once it is found damage, otherwise large cutting may dropped into the clean mud and influence the following process.

3 Electric cabinet maintenance

Continue reading “Mud cleaner Maintenance”

Mud Agitator Operation & Maintenance

There are 4 models mud agitator available, GNJBQ5.5, GNJBQ7.5,GNJBQ11, GNJBQ15. GN horizontal agitators utilize worm gear reducer. Welding type or casting type impeller for option. The updated GN mud agitator with the best brand gear box and use FAG bearing to last the gear box life.

GN mud agitatorstructure:

mud agitators
mud agitators

The impeller is fixed to the shaft with bolts to avoid rotating or sway. Its vertical location on the shaft is determined as a height from the tank bottom corresponding to the impeller diameter times 0.75. If dual impellers are desired, straight blades are mounted on the bottom and the canted blade impeller is installed at a point about two-thirds above the tank bottom.

The keyed motor and driven impeller shafts are rigidly connected by a multi-piece coupling, which uses tapered locking bushings to secure the shafts together. Shaft lengths are customized to suit customer specifications. For shafts longer than 8’, a stabilizer is mounted on the tank bottom to support the lower end of the shaft.

Mud agitator maintenance             

Mud agitator maintenance consists of checking gearbox oil level and oil condition and greasing gearbox bearings at required intervals.

1 Before operation, lubricate gearbox with L-CKE/P 220~320# worn gear oil  or with L-CKE/P 320~460# worn gear oil.Verify that lubricant level in the gearbox reaches the bottom of the oil level plug.

Continue reading “Mud Agitator Operation & Maintenance”

Drilling Engineering Solids Control

Drilling engineering is a subset of petroleum engineering. Drilling engineers design and implement procedures to drill wells as safely and economically as possible.

solids control
solids control

Exploration and petroleum engineering are the oil and gas industry’s two main sections. Petroleum engineering is a field of engineering related to the production of crude oil or natural gas.

Drilling engineers are in charge of the process of planning and drilling the wells. Their responsibilities include:

  1. Designing well programs to prevent blowouts
  2. Designing casing strings and cementing plans, directional drilling plans, drilling fluids programs, and drill string and drill bit programs.
  3. Specifying equipment, material and ratings and grades to be used in the drilling process.
  4. Providing technical support and audit during the drilling process.
  5. Performing cost estimates and analysis.
  6. Developing contracts with vendors.

Solids Control is one of the most important phases of the drilling process. The primary reason for using mechanical solids control equipment is to remove detrimental drilled solids from the mud system. Mechanical separation of drilled solids is achieved via screen separation(shale shaker, mud cleaner, desander, desilter) or accelerated g-force(decanter centrifuge). Continue reading “Drilling Engineering Solids Control”

Vacu-Flo Degassers in stock

GN has 6 units of Vavc-Flo degassers in stock, their specs as below:

Model: GNCQ270

vacu-flo degasser
vacu-flo degasser

Flow Rate:1200gpm

Total power: 22+3KW

Dimension:2000 length x 1000 width x 1670mm height


All of them are brand new and with electricity 440V/60HZ, 3 phase, explosion proof. We can change the voltage according to your requirement.

GNCQ270 Vacu-Flo degasser V.S. Derrick Vacu-Flo 1200

Their flow rate is same, just the dimension and weight is different. The most different is that GNCQ270 vaco-flo degasser do not need feeding pump.

Vacu-Flo Degasser normally called vacuum degasser. It uses the suction of the vacuum pump to establish an under balanced pressure area in the vacuum cylinder and causes the drilling fluid into the hollow shaft of the rotator through suction pipe under the atmosphere pressure, and then lets the fluid spray to the walls of the cylinder from the windows on the hollow shaft, now the gas bubble cut in the mud may break and run off Continue reading “Vacu-Flo Degassers in stock”

Weighting Material for drilling fluids

Drilling fluid is used to aid the drilling of boreholes into the earth. Often used while drilling oil and natural gas wells and on exploration drilling rigs, drilling fluids are also used for much simpler boreholes, such as water wells. Liquid drilling fluid is often called drilling mud.

In drilling operations, solid weighting materials are commonly added to the drilling fluid to give sufficient density to the fluid to hinder inflow of oil or gas into the wellbore from the down-hole formation. Weighting material sag. i.e. sedimentation of weighting material from the drilling fluid, has been and is currently one of the biggest challenges within the drilling fluids industry as it can lead to well control problems, lost circulation, hindered running of casing/liner, insufficient displacement etc.

weighting material adding equipment
weighting material adding equipment

 CALCIUM CARBONATE is Acid souble weight material.It is used to prevent fluid invasion of permeable zones, and to prevent loss of circulation during drilling, workover, and completion activities. CALCIUM CARBONATE is applicable in all drilling fluids, aqueous and non-aqueous. It can be used to prepare a pill for spotting purposes. is also used as an acid soluble weighting material for drill-in or workover fluids with a density of 14.0 ppg or less.

HEMATITE is for extremely high density mud.It is used to obtain mud weights in excess of 20.0 ppg in water based drilling fluids, 19.0 ppg in oil based drilling fluids, or any time that exceptional control is required of solids percentage for rheology control.

Barite is the most used weighting material, has a density of 4.1. It is used for increasing the density of fresh water, salt water, and oil based muds.

Barite is added through a hopper, GN designed Jet mud mixer is used for barite adding, it consist of venturi hopper and mixing pump. It can be used with the complete mud system, also it can be used separately.

Jet shearing unit is consist of venturi hopper and shearing pump, which can cut the big section into small pieces and add weighting material then mix them. It is commonly used in oil & gas drilling solids control system, usually it is installed on the weighting tank or mixing tank. Sometimes it is used together with decanter centrifuge.

Cutting dryer maintenance

GN designed GNCD930 vertical cutting dryer is already finished and tested in the field. Its specs is similar with CSI cutting dryer WSM-04. Its rotary speed is 890rpm, and processing rate is 30~50tons per hour( actual data). Max bowl diameter is 930mm.

Daily inspections should be made at start-up until a permanent maintenance schedule can be set up. Once a schedule has been established, only routine inspections and general observations will be necessary.

Cutting Dryer
Cutting Dryer

Cutting Dryer Maintenance

1 Basket:

Basket is not wear part, unless its damage caused unbalance, you do not have to replace it before that.

2 Filter-screen:

it is important to always maintain flite to screen clearance,it is critical to the proper machine performance.

3 It is very important to inspect the condition of the rotor at every screen change. This is necessary as the rotor is the connecting member between the external drive shaft and the basket, and is one of the members which is subjected to normal abrasive wear by the product.


Except for the motor bearings, which are grease lubricated, all bearings are oil lubricated. A direct driven gear pump, mounted along the outer base, circulates oil through the gear unit and overflows to the outer external shaft bearings.

The oil should be changed every 1600 hours of operation or every three months, whichever occurs first. To change oil, drain oil from the gear unit and drain pot.

Continue reading “Cutting dryer maintenance”


Horizontal vacuum degasseris the most common degasser applied at present. A degasser is used in drilling to remove gases from drilling fluid which could otherwise form bubbles. It can remove virtually all entrained gases, including hydrogen sulfide and corrosive oxygen, from drilling fluid and reduce the threat of dangerous and costly blowouts while restoring mud to its original density for reuse in the active mud system.


GN standard ZCQ270 & ZCQ360 can process up to 1200gpm & 1500gpm, for requirement of processing rate less than 1000gpm, ZCQ270 will be your best choice.


1 skid mounted, compact foot print design

2 Self-Contained, do not need a centrifugal pump for feeding

3 Simple operation

For small amount of entrained gas in a drilling fluid, the degasser can play a major role of removing small bubbles that a liquid film has enveloped and entrapped. In order for it to be released and break out the air and gas such as methane, H2S and CO2 from the mud to the surface, the drilling fluid must pass degassing technique and it can be accomplished by the equipment called degasser which is also a major part of a mud systems.

Working principle of horizontal vacuum degasser

Continue reading “Degasser”

Vacuum Collection System for drilling cutting

Together with Vacuum Collection System, Screw conveyor is also applied for collection of drilling cuttings? What is their difference in function?

Screw conveyor is the main equipment to collect drill cuttings from solids control equipments, in actual application, vacuum unit is used to transfer the cuttings from one screw conveyor to another, then the 2ndscrew conveyor transfer the cuttings to cutting dryer. Otherwise the position ofshould be higher than the inlet of cutting dryer, or the position of cutting dryer should be very low, it is not convenient to locate them in site.

drilling waste management
drilling waste management

The M-I SWACO vacuum collection system consists of Cuttings Collection Boxes, a Rig Vacuum Tank, a vacuum rotary hopper and a Vacuum Power Skid. It has the advantages of being a totally contained system powerful enough to transport both fluids and cuttings vertically as well as horizontally over fairly long distances. Modular and adaptable, the system minimizes the amount of floor space required for operation. Further, once on-line, the system does not interrupt the drilling operation.

Continue reading “Vacuum Collection System for drilling cutting”