GN solids control produce mud recycling system/circulation system for both land rig(onshore drilling) and offshore drilling.
What is offshore drilling?
Offshore drilling is one of the greatest technological breakthroughs in recent decades, and many new techniques have been developed to profit from the abundance of oil underneath the ocean floor. While drilling for oil has been around for hundreds of years in one form or the another, the effective extraction of petroleum from beneath the sea floor did not surface until the last forty years. The search for oil often turns out to be unproductive, but this practice is vital for the economic future of many nations.
List of the top offshore drilling service companies
1 Transocean-the world’s largest offshore well services drilling company
Largest offshore driller with 165 mobile offshore drilling and production units, inland drilling barges and supporting assets.
– Largest “floating” rig driller with more than 60 semisubmersibles and drillships.
– Largest deepwater driller with almost 40 units that can drill in more than 2,000 feet of water.
– Largest shallow-water driller with 54 jackups, including the largest jackup fleet in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico with 27units.
– Largest inland drilling barge driller with more than 30 units.
– Largest offshore driller in market equity capitalization.

2 Baker Hughes Inc-consultancy and engineering in oilfield drilling services
Baker Hughes inc, a leader in oilfield services, creates value for oil and gas producers by providing practical technology to find, develop, produce and manage petroleum reservoirs. Baker Hughes inc are engaged primarily in the oilfield services industry. supply wellbore related products, technology services and systems, provide products and services for drilling, formation, evaluation, completion and production of oil and gas wells.
3 Baker Oil Tools-well drilling services, completion, downhole, workover and fishing tools
Baker Oil Tools leads the world in completion, workover and fishing solutions that help exploration and production companies maximize value from their hydrocarbon-bearing assets.
For more information about offshore drilling equipments and mud recycling system, pls contact GN.