Supply drilling mud management decanter Centrifuge

We manufacture drilling mud management decanter centrifuge including any speed of decanter centrifuge,high speed

Drilling mud decanter centrifuge
Drilling mud decanter centrifuge

decanter centrifuge,low speed decanter centrifuge.

More over,we can design and manufacture a whole drilling mud management system.With the most suitable decanter centrifuge.

Because there are such a variety of both standard and unique applications, choosing the correct decanter centrifuge is often more of an art than an exact science. Determining the correct machine style and model size requires a thorough understanding of the application and very often sample testing. The more a customer knows about their process and the results desired, the more helpful it is. And when a customer calls or e-mails, we would initially focus on determining the following:

  • Description of the liquid phase and the solid phase for the drilling mud management system.
  • Total liquid volume of the system and amount of available process time and / or required process flow rate
  • Quality of required liquid phase / phases – targeted concentration of impurities
  • Amount of solids that need to be removed from the given liquid volume
  • Targeted dryness of the solids
  • What the customer wants to achieve

Decanter centrifuge in the drilling mud management system are used after the mud Cleaner.As we know the first stage we use shale shaker,and the second,we use mud cleaner.For some drilling mud management system ,we also use vacuum degasser.

From this simple calculation we can often quickly determine which style of liquid / solid separation is most applicable for the application. A further simple lab decanter centrifuge test determines the most appropriate type of decanter centrifuge, whether it fits the customers thinking, and if it is within the expected customer budget.

Supply most effective drilling mud management system decanter Centrifuge from our own China factory.

Free Drilling rig mud processing system design

About Drilling mud system and equipments,GN Solids Control Engnineers keeps learning and innovating the oilfield well drilling proved effective mud processing system,and equipments.

Welcome to consult us about drilling mud processing system design.Free Drilling mud processing system design service.

Drilling mud processing system
Drilling mud processing system

I read an artircle about drilling mud system design expirence,and share with you below:

When the Hamaca project was begun, there were already three operators working on heavy oil developments in the Faja: Petrozuata, Sincor, and Cerro Negro. Before the Hamaca project was started, these
operations were visited to help determine current best practices and problems that needed to be addressed.Each of these operators use pad drilling rigs, which are rigs that are designed to move quickly from well to well on a multi-well pad. These rigs use stationary mud processing systems (see picture) that are connected to the mobile rig by flexible umbilicals. The flow line shale shakers and one mud tank (sand trap plus one compartment) move with the rig. The mud is pumped from this pit through an umbilical to a stationary tank where the fluid is processed by various desilter,desander hydrocyclones,mud cleaner, and decanter centrifuge to clean the mud. The clean mud is pumped back to the rig through umbilicals.

Simple fresh water-based mud is typically used in the 12-1/4 inch intermediate section. Hole cleaning in the curve is the main concern, and xanthan biopolymers are used to enhance hole cleaning.There were basically two different drill-in fluid systems inuse in the Faja for drilling the 8-1/2 inch section. One is a very typical water-based drill-in fluid with xanthan biopolymer for rheology control, starch for fluid loss control, calcium carbonate for bridging, and biocide. The other system is solids-free: simply xanthan biopolymer and biocide.

GN Solids Control is working on providing international customer with effectively oilfield proved drilling mud processing equipments and system.Free Drilling rig mud processing system design.

Supply Replacement shaker Screen fit for Derrick Mi-swaco Brandt Shale shaker

To meet our customers needs for finding reliable replacement shale shaker screens for Derrick,Mi-swaco,Brandt type and

Derrick FLC2000 PMD Shaker Screen
Replacement shaker screen for Derrick FLC2000 PMD Shaker 

our own brand GN Solids Control shake screen.

Contact:GN Solids Control

As a Shale Shaker China Manufacturer,we know how to select manufacturers for shaker screens.We also have our own OEM shaker screen factory.

Derrick 503 PMD Shaker Screens
replacement shaker screen for Derrick 503 PMD Shaker 

Just give us your specs and models of shale shaker screen,we find the best supplier for any kind of shaker screen for derrick,mi-swaco,brandt,or GN Solids Control shaker screen.

Derrick FLC2000 Flat shale shaker
replacement shaker screen for Derrick FLC2000 Flat shale shaker

List our recent inquiry for shale shaker screen.

1,Inquiry for replacement screen for  Derrick hook strip shale shaker screen

Could you please advice your price on all mesh sizes of  hook strip shale shaker screen?

We reply all the mesh sizes and provide the info to our customer.:
700mm x 1050mm    Hook strip srceen

Unit price (USD)    PMD Type Screen

Unit Price(USD)

shale shaker screen inquiry

We are a Trading Company based at the Caspian Sea Region and working with Oil/Gas companies since 1998

Currently we need your best EXW price on the item below together with total weight and delivery time:

1. AW-0014-1   Electric teapots                                                                                                 4 ea
2. API-80 (PWP500HP-A80) DERRICK 503 series Shaker screens                                12 ea
3. API-100 (PWP500HP-A100)DERRICK 503 series Shaker screens                             12 ea
4. API-120(PWP500HP-A120)DERRICK 503 series Shaker screens                              12 ea
5. API-140(PWP500DX-A140)DERRICK 503 series shaker screens                              12 ea
6. API-80(WD48XR165L)DERRICK 2000 series Shaker screens                                    12 ea
7. API-100(JD48XR200L)MI-SWACO 2000 series Shaker screens                                  12 ea
8. API-120(JDRX230B)MI-SWACO 2000 series Shaker screens                                      12 ea
9. API-120(JDRX230B)MI-SWACO 2000 series Shaker screens                                      12 ea

Looking forward to receiving your soonest reply.

Shale Shakers China shaker screen Supplier

Besides Derrick,Mi-Swaco shale shaker screen,we also supply replacement shaker screen for Brandt shale shaker.

Oilfield Industrial decanter centrifuge manufacturer

Industrial decanter centrifuges are wildely used In oilfield drilling fluids solids control systems.It is used after the mud cleaner or desander desilter for seprating drilling cuttings.We are A China based oilfield industrial decanter centrifuge manufacturer.

oilfield decanter centrifuge
oilfield decanter centrifuge

How Does An Oilfield Industrial decanter Centrifuge Work?

A decanter centrifuge works by spinning a vessel containing the material to be separated at high speed. It is very much like the rides at the fairground that rotate. You have to lean towards the center to overcome the force caused by the rotation. In fact, some rides are designed specifically to press your body against a back support. The decanter centrifuge spins at very high speeds and pushes the ‘heavy phase’, usually the solids, to the outside of the vessel, just as you would see in the clear flask standing on the bench top.

What Is The Oilfield decanter Centrifuge Process?

In the drilling mud purification system,If you take a sample of the liquid / solid mixture in a clear flask and you observe that there is a separation of the two phases with time, the separation is caused by the force of gravity. The oilfield decanter centrifuge process speeds up the process by increasing the force of gravity 1000 to 4000 times, depending on the solids control equipment. The result is that a process that can take 1-12 hours in a flask is achieved in seconds using centrifugation.,

By the way,we also manufacturer shale shaker

Get from GN Solids Control mud tank oilfield industrial decanter centrifuge.

Horizontal Directional drilling mud recycle equipments

GN Solids Control is A China Based manufacturer been supplying  slurry and mud recycle  equipment and
bentonite and mud preparing and cleaning equipments to the civil and international engineering and drilling industries. We have worked on hundreds of pipejacking and micro-tunnelling projects through many different types of ground.

Horizontal directional drilling mud recycle system
Horizontal directional drilling mud recycle system

We  also have considerable experience of cleaning mud on directionally drilled crossings. CNPC has cooperated with us for horizontal directional drilling mud control system.In addition we have cleaned mud for many
diaphragm walling projects with grabs and hydraulic cutters as well as carrying out work for many other

Our management personnel have experience of earth moving, trenching, bored & driven piling,
diaphragm walling, rock drilling, coring, large diameter shaft drilling by forward & reverse circulation,
tunnelling, pipe-jacking, micro tunnelling, caisson sinking, horizontal directional drilling, off-shore & on-shore oil & gas exploration & production,oilfield waste slurrification & reinjection into deep strata, canal & dock cleaning, soil washing, site investigations, quarrying, minerals recovery and general construction. Both big system of horizontal Directional drilling mud recyle equipment and small mud recyle equipments are available from GN Solids Control.

The main Equipments including:Mud CleanerShale Shakerdesander,    desilter, decanter centrifuge.

Welcome to contact us for choosing The best drilling mud equipments,horizontal directional Drilling mud recycle equipments and system.

Liquid Solid Separation Equipments

For separating solids from liquid ,Basicly ,processes used for the separation of suspended solids from a liquid media:

  • Sedimentation
  • Filtration
  • Centrifugation

Sedimentation Equipments(Silting mud tank), allows solid particles, which are heavier than the liquid media, to separate and sink to the bottom of a container under the influence of gravity.In drilling mud solids and fluids separation,we usually use silting tank bogether with need equipments to separate solids from drilling fluids.

Filtration equipments( Shale Shaker) incorporates the use of a filter media by virtue of its degree of porosity and regulates what may pass through it. Since the filter media collects suspended solids, the material progressively builds up and will eventually impair performance and require removal, cleaning, and / or replacement.In the solids control system,there are three equipments use this way,Shale shaker,mud cleaner,and the desilter desander.

Multiply the power of gravitational force by more than 2,000 times.

Centrifugation Equipments (Decanter centrifuge) is a highly accelerated form of sedimentation. This rapid form of sedimentation is attained by introducing centrifugal force to the liquid / solid media generating a force that can be over 2.000 times more powerful than gravity itself. This method is fast and eliminates the need for filter media. GN decanter Centrifuge’s complete range of liquid / solid separating centrifuges are designed to separate suspended solids heavier than the liquid media without the use of consumable filter media.

We are a China manufacturer of Liquid  Solid Separation Equipments

Linear motion shale shaker vs Balanced Elliptical Motion Shaker

This post shares a discussion Linear motion shale shaker vs Balanced Elliptical Motion Shaker

Shale shaker survey inquiry from England are doing a survey on behalf of a large drilling contractor, looking at a comparison of different shale shaker systems.

Linear motion shale shaker
Linear motion shale shaker

Could you please email me details on the price of your different shale shaker models, their footprints, mud capacity (L/min),

Many thanks,

Then we quoted all types of our linear motion shale shakers.

Below is customers’ reply:

Thanks for your reply and quotes.

I have a few further queries that my client would be interested in:

1.       Could you please give me rental rates for your shale shaker systems.

2.       You have only quoted for linear motion shale shaker.  Do you have elliptical motion shale shakers in your portfolio.

a.       What is cost of elliptical shale shakers

b.      What is rental rate for elliptical shale shakers.

Many thanks,


Our reply:

Thanks for your reply.

1. Could you please give me rental rates for your shaker systems.
Sorry,we never do shale shaker rental biz before,so we have no idea about it.We sell a lot of shale shakers,and other drilling mud solids control equipment all around the world.

2.You have only quoted for linear motion shakers.  Do you have elliptical motion shakers in your portfolio.
The elliptical motion shakers has been eliminated since linear motion shaker is much more efficiency.

For any further info.,pls be free to let us know.We will provide you the most efficient shale shakers,and mud cleaner.


Mud cleaner,shale shaker,desilter from China

About Mud cleaner,shale shaker,desander desilter made in  China

We Think solids control equipments from China are getting potential markets.

Decanter centrifuge
Decanter centrifuge

We keeping getting more and more inquiry for our solids control equipments.

Now we get into to sell equipments to customers around the world.

Mud Cleaner,Shale Shaker,desilter Inquiry From Australian:
Message I would appreciate a quote on teh following items
ZQJ250-100 Mud Cleaner
ZS700-3/4 Shale Shaker
ZQJ 100 x 10 Desilter

Mud Cleaner buy offer from Thailand
I am writing on behalf of the client an geological exploration company. I have come across your products as I have been looking for available mud cleaners for water-based drilling mud. What I would need to know as information now is a price of the ZQj250-100 Mud cleaner as we would need to have an order of magnitude of specific solutions.

Buy offer of shale shaker screen.
Could you please advice your price on all mesh sizes of replacement shaker screen for  Derrick FLC-2000 hook strip shale shaker screen?

China high speed decanter centrifuge

We just recieved inquiry for decanter centrifuge,high speed variable decanting centrifuge.
Original inquiry for centrifuges:

We are looking for the supplier who is able to offer the decanter centrifuge for use in the drilling rig (solid control) (total 1 unit) with following spec

High speed decanter centrifuge
High speed decanter centrifuge

Decanter centrifuge requirements

Capacity: 150 GPM
Rotation (bowl) speed: 1600 – 3300 rpm (variable)
Back drive: (-18 to +85 rpm)
Rotating assembly is made of stainless steel
Screw is coated with tungsten carbide
Motor control units (2 units with explosion proof, outdoor use, and spark prevention)
Cut point : 2 – 12 micron
Able to work with water base mud system and oil base mud system

We had looked into your website and supposed that the LWF450x1000N decanting centrifuge is the model which may be equivalent to our needs. To-be-confirmed technical specs are back drive (less and more than bowl speed level), tungsten carbide etc.

Appreciated you response and looking forward to hearing from you (offer and technical specs in details.)

We then offered our GLW355-1250 N High Speed Frequency Converter Decanter Centrifuge

We manufacture solids control equipments and decanter centrifuge is our main equipments as well as mud cleaners.

2009 2010 China International Petroleum Equipment Exhibition

As a China Petroleum Equipments Manufacturer,we attended the CIPPE 9 trade exhibition.Now share with you the 10 exhibition info.

GN Solids Control Equipments:

Trade Show time :March 22-24,2010

Petroleum Equipment Exhibition
Petroleum Equipment Exhibition

Brief introduction  of the exhibition

The largest annual petroleum exhibition in Asia and one of the top-4 in the world, the 9th China International Petroleum & Petrochemical Technology and Equipment Exhibition (cippe2009), opens in Beijing at the New China International Exhibition Center on 19 March 2009. CIPPE 2009 is the largest in its nine-year history, expanding about 30% in exhibition area from 2008 to 60,000 square meters.
Continue reading “2009 2010 China International Petroleum Equipment Exhibition”