Poor boy degasser in stock

GN has 4 units of poor boy degasser in stock, in addition, we have 9 units of flare ignition device in stock, which is worked together with poor boy degasser as safety equipments in the oilfield drilling.

poor boy degasser in stockk
poor boy degasser in stock

The poor boy degasser model in stock:



 Main body diameter




 Inlet pipe


 Mud Output pipe


 Gas discharge pipe






How poor boy degasser work to be anti-H2S?

( harmful gas , including but not limit to H2S)

1st way: The main material of the poor boy degasser body is 16Mn(Q345A), which is low alloy, high strength steel.

2nd way: By 3 layers of Marine Anti-Corrosion Zinc Rich Expoxy Paint:

(1). Sand Blast Treatment before painting.

(2). Two pack Epoxy zinc

(3). Two Pack Epoxy hi-build containing anticorrosive pigmentstwice.

(4). Surface pigmented with high quality light fast  PU pigments

To buy poor boy degasser in stock, welcome to contact GN solids control.

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