What is Dredger?
Simply speaking, Dredger (Also called dredge) isa vessel used for dredging. It is used to excavate and remove material from the bottom of a body of water. For example, a scoop attached to the end of a rope or pole by which a man can draw sediments up from the bottom of a pond is a dredger. Developing this idea further, a motorized crane equipped with a drag bucket or clamshell (grabber) that is used to scoop material from the bottom of a body of water is also a dredger. The crane could be located on the bank, or perhaps mounted on a barge. If the crane is mounted on a barge, the entire vessel is referred to as a dredger.

What is Dredging?
Dredging is an excavation activity in which materials are recovered from beneath the water’s surface. The purpose is generally to gather bottom sediment and either dispose it at a different location or use these sediments in various products, e.g. sand and gravel is used in concrete mixtures.
GN solids control design and produce dredging slurry separation system, and we cooperate with dredger manufacturer all of the world. Some of our DSS system has worked successfully in the site with dredger.
Here we listed top 5 Dredger manufacturer, welcome to contact us for more updates.
1 IMS Dredges, Division of LWT, LLC( website: http://www.imsdredge.com/),
2 Ellicott® Dredges
3 Crisafulli Dredges(www.crisafulli.com)
4 VMI Dredger, to see How do VMI dredges work, pls check http://www.vmi-dredges.com/how-dredges-work.htm
5 DSC Dredge(http://www.dscdredge.com/)
If you need dredger and dredge slurry separation system, pls contact GN solids control.