Producing oil and natural gas wells occasionally requires major repairs or modifications, called “workovers.” Workover services are carried out with the same type of rig used to perform maintenance services, although the rig often is outfitted with specialized equipment including rotary drilling equipment, mud pumps, mud tanks and blowout preventers. A workover may last anywhere from a few days to several weeks to accomplish.

Many oil wells rely on artificial lift methods to make the oil surface. Oil can be lifted by different techniques , which require specialized equipment operating under dificult conditions for long periods of times. These equipments are assigned to the wells as long as their use is economically rentable. Failures of these equipments over the time require maintenance services such as cleaning, reinstatement, stimulation and others, which are essential to the exploitation of the wells. These services are performed by workover rigs.
GN solids control provides related solids control equipments and consultant service for workover rig operation. The most common workover model clients may require is XJ550HP, 450HP, 350HP, 650HP. GN solids control owns standard design of solids control equipments for these workover rig models.
Demand of workover rig solids control system in Turkey is very large, we have agent in Turkey who can produce workover rig and mud tank, and GN will ship the equipments there to save international sea freight charge.
If you required any workover rig equipments used in Turkey or neignborhood countries, pls contact GN solids control.