Drilling mud vacuum tank degasser is one type of degasser in oil gas drilling fluids system.Another type of degasser is called Atmospheric Degasser.
Both of the vacuum degasser are devices that removes air or gases (methane, H2S, CO2 and others) from drilling fluids. There are two generic types that work by both expanding the size of the gas bubbles entrained in the mud (by pulling a vacuum on the mud) and by increasing the surface area available to the mud so that bubbles escape (through the use of various cascading baffle plates). If the gas content in the mud is high, a mud gas separator or “poor boy degasser” is used, because it has a higher capacity than standard degassers and routes the evolved gases away from the rig to a flaring area complete with an ignition source.
GN Drilling mud vacuum degasser.
ZCQ240 Degasser

ZCQ270 Degasser
ZCQ300 Degasser
ZCQ360 Degasser.
Vacuum Type is the most common form of degasser. It can be horizontal, vertical or round vessel. A vacuum action is created to pull in the gas cut mud. When the liquid enters the tank it will flow and be distributed to a layer of internal baffle plates designed for the mud to flow in thin laminar film and is exposed to a vacuum that forces the gas to escape and break out of the mud.The vacuum pump moves the escaping gas from the vessel discharging it to the rig’s flare or environmental control system.
Derrick mud vacuum tank degasser.
Derrick Vacu-Flo degassers have a more efficient vertical tank design than traditional horizontal degassers, offering over 217% more surface area than alternative designs. This additional capacity results in no increase in vessel size, tank space requirements, unit weight, or reconfiguration of pit arrangements. A 5 HP vacuum pump, capable of pulling 29” Hg, draws mud into the degassing chamber where decreased pressure causes gas bubbles to surface from the fluid more rapidly. A stacked, corrugated fiberglass leaf arrangement and multiple feed ports provide higher fluid impact, thinner layers of mud dispersion, and greater turbulence for more efficient gas removal. Derrick’s Vacu-Flo degassers offer convenient access to the leaf assembly and float mechanisms (without having to remove the vessel lid) through an oversized access door. This feature significantly reduces downtime and maintenance costs compared to other units. The Vacu-Flo Degasser is available in two models: the Vacu-Flo 500, which has a leaf capacity of 7264 square inches and the Vacu-Flo 1200, which has a leaf capacity of 14,528 square inches.