Lianyungang Huanghai Machinery Factory Co., Ltd-HDD rig

Lianyungang Huanghai Machinery Factory Co., Ltd is a HDD drilling rig manufacturer from China.As a HDD mud system manufacturer from China,-GN Solids Control post blogs to share with people abou

HDD drilling rig

t China large HDD drilling rig manufacturer info. with our clients.

Lianyungang Huanghai Machinery Factory Co., Ltd. is a large-scale key enterprise in the industry of geological exploration field. Founded in the year of 1969, the factory belonged formerly to Ministry of Geology and MineralResources of China. Huanghai Machinery Facotry Co.,Ltd  is now a separate legal personality shareholding enterprise. Equipped with more than 40 years professional manufacturing experience and professional production team as well as more than 700 excellent skillful workers, more than 50 experienced engineers and more than four hundred sophisticated equipments, the high quality drilling equipments will be manufactured and supplied to our customers in the eighty thousand square meters area of working shops in the factory.

Lianyungang Huanghai Machinery Factory Co., Ltd Market

At present, Huanghai Machinery is the largest manufacturer in the geological exploration field in China, with the most variety of products and the largest market share in China. Lianyuangang Huanghai Machinery Factory Co.,Ltd  products have been exported to more than twenty countries and regions, such as Canada, Australia, Turkey, Iran, South Africa and Russia and also the countries in Asia and South America.

Visit website of:Lianyuangang Huanghai Machinery Factory Co.,Ltd

Desander manufacturers company list

How to find Desander manufactuers,or desander for sales?Everyone knows that we are in a world of E-Business,more and more people use the internet.The following will show you two ways to find desander by internet.

First,search desander manufacturer in, with keywords like below:

  • Desander manufacturers
  • Desander companies
  • Desander supplier
  • Desander for sale.

Resuilts for “desander” in Google search:

  1. desander,hydrocyclone desander,China desander desilter manufacturer

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    Hydrocyclone desander manufacturer,oilfield desander with good cones,buy solids control drilling mud fluids desander from China supplier for sale. – CachedSimilar

  2. VCG Overview

    Visualization of Compiler Graphs. Overview. Description · Windows Availability · Features · Examples · Availability · Mailing List · Publications – CachedSimilar

  3. GN mud desander-Hydrocyclones

    24 Aug 2009 GN mud desander-Hydrocyclones. Hydrocyclone desander manufacturer,oilfield desander with good cyclones,buy solids control drilling mud – CachedSimilar

  4. [PDF]

    DSR Desanders

    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat – View as HTML
    The Fluid Systems, Inc. desander units are the result of an intensive research and development program initiated in 1950. Designed by Krebs Engineers, each – Similar

  5. Sell desilter desander

    We are desilter and desander China manufacturer,we sell desilter and desander worldwidely. Learn more: Desilter and desander. As a solids control.

Second way,use the industry yellow pages,or directory find a packages of desander companies list:

GN Solids Control
Manufacturer of solids control equipments,shale shakers,mud cleaners,desander,desilter,sand pump,decanter centrifuge,vacuum degasser,mud gas separator,mud tanks,complete drilling fluids circulation system.
Website: Continue reading “Desander manufacturers company list”

Shearing jet system

We make shearing jet system for bentonite polymers and other powder additives mixing.We links the shearing jet system to the mud mixing tank for assisting in achieving the properties needed from drilling mud such as viscosity for hole cleaning, water loss control and filter cake build up.

Jet Shearing system
Jet Shearing system

The shearing jet system is a skid mounted system,which a centrifugal pump and mixing hopper are installed.On weighted mud applications, the ability to handle Barite during potential blow-out applications is even more important. The importance of properly applied shear energy and dispersion has lead to the instant success of GN Solids Control shearing and mixing system, model:SLH Jet mud mixer

In the GN Jet shearing system, mud passing through the hopper venturi is directed to pass through specially designed jet orifices to impart additional shear energy.
Continue reading “Shearing jet system”

CENTRIFUGAL PUMP For Shearing of Mud Chemical

Shear pump is also called shearing pump,which is a centrifugal pump,but used for shearing of drilling mud chemicals,shearing the bentonite.

GN make centrifugal shearing pump for drilling mud solids control system.


shearing pump
shearing pump

(For Shearing of Mud Chemical)

1 Continue reading “CENTRIFUGAL PUMP For Shearing of Mud Chemical”

Hydraulic mining slurry separation Machinery

As a drilling mud solids control system manufacturer,we just succeed in getting contract with a Turkey Company for Hydraulic mining slurry separation Machinery.

Hydraulic mining slurry separation
Hydraulic mining slurry separation

Our engineer went to see the mining project in Turkey,and discussed about how to apply our slurry separation machinery and equipments.Finally we agreed on a complete slurry separation system proposal.

Hydraulic mining slurry separation system including machinery as: Slurry centrifugal pumps,mud tanks,shale shakers,desanders,desilters,slurry agitators etc.

Hydraulic ming from Hillendale Mine Continue reading “Hydraulic mining slurry separation Machinery”

Drilling rig mat manufacturer

Drilling rig mat is components for drilling rig packages, as a China top solids control system manufacturer, we also manufacture  drilling rig mats. Buying drilling rig mats from us and rental to your local clients is a good business in oil gas rich areas.

A rig mat is a portable platform used to support equipment used in construction and resource-based activities

drilling rig mat
drilling rig mat

including drilling rigs, camps, mud tanks system, helipads, etc. the rig mat  also includes a structural roadway to provide passage over unstable ground, pipelines and more.

Access Rig Mats: Also known as swamp mats. Commonly made out of Spruce, Pine, Fir or a combination thereof, access mats are held together by lag bolts, nails or screws.

More about :Drilling rig mats

Wood And Steel Rig Mats: Also known as steel frame mats. Commonly made of spruce, pine, fir or a combination thereof surrounded on the edges by I Beam or HST steel. The steel is used to strengthen the mats and enable the manufactures of the mats to build them in larger sizes and to support more weight than an access mat. Continue reading “Drilling rig mat manufacturer”

Offshore drilling rig mud degasser

An offshore drilling company require the degasser from us

The drill vessel Belford Dolphin rig is considering installing a Diverter line degasser , in the vessels present offshore drilling location , the wells are subject to gas suspension in the riser (deepwater exploration) , venting this off via the choke and kill manifold to the present Poor Boy degasser  is not suitable.

mud degasser
mud degasser

The plan that is being researched at present is to install a degasser in the diverter line returning to the gumbo box.

Your model ZYQ1000 mud gas separator  or ZYQ1200 poor boy degasser is of interest to the vessel, please advise if a larger inlet can be fitted to these units IE  8” as opposed to a 5” inlet

Please supply a quote and delivery time for this offshore drilling mud degasser

The degassers for offshore drilling mud  as shown are minimal for what the client has requested from the rig.

On the present drilling location gas is being trapped in the riser (suspended in the mud) this is creating a situation were gas bubbles are coming out of the riser and causing mud to be expelled onto the drilling  rig floor , by the time this is noticed the gas bubble has all but dissipated , leaving a mess on the rig floor Continue reading “Offshore drilling rig mud degasser”

Complete bentonite recycling system

We just finished a proposal for Complete bentonite recycling system for client.

Bentonite recycling system
Bentonite recycling systema client.

Bentonite reycling system for piling work.

I want you to confirm whether the  system in your brochure “I attached that please check” is that system can replace the function of the separate parts ,Bentonite Desander 120 mt3/hr,Bentonite mixer 10m3/hr Bentonite return pump 180m3/hr , 25Hp “Diesel motor”Bentonite circulating pump 180m3/hr “Elec. motor” 15kw.

Our proposal for the bentonite recovery system:

The tank are divided into 3 compartmentst,from right to left are A,Shale Shaker compartment B,desander compartment C,Mixing compartment .The Return Pump feed mud to the shaker,and after the treatment of shaker goes to the shaker compartment. Then mud overflow to desander compartment, and then Continue reading “Complete bentonite recycling system”

Submersible sand pump for desander desilter

Submersible sand pump is an  application of GN drilling mud system for saving installation space.The sand pump submerse in the drilling mud tank,and feed drilling mud for desander and desilter for treatment.

Submersible sand pump for desander desilter

Submersible sand pump
Submersible sand pump

For  multi-tank mud system,usually,we use horizontal sand pump for feeding the desander and desilter,but for HDD mud system,many clients just require for a single mud tank system,to save the space for storing mud and also to make the manifold to be simple.We install the submersible,vertical sund pump for desander and desilter mud feeding.

Continue reading “Submersible sand pump for desander desilter”

Customized Shale Shaker for mud system.

1, Dimensions for our normal  shale shaker as enclosed files. For your truck mounted drilling mud system we can customize the shaker as below.

ZS70x105-3 shale shaker: L×W×H(2385×1800×1200mm)

To lower the height we cut the skid for the shaker,and fix the shaker on the sump without skid,and also make the motor to be the highest point.(Which similar like the enclosed pictures).To do this,the shale shaker is fixed on the mud tank,so it would be better for us to make the mud tank and the shale shaker unit for you.The total mud system unit can be put in one container.(Quotation as enclosed).

2, .People usually do not use a shale shaker more then 4 screens.For 4 screens or more then that, as the mud loading is very big,it influences the shale shaker life dramatically.(Even Brandt shale shaker has such problems).So people prefer to use more shakers, not more screens shaker.For your mud system,the ZS70x105-3 treating capacity is big enough.

3, To buy more shale shaker screens later ( after the 1st sets are used up) what would is the minimum order value for a batch of shale shaker screens if sent by UPS using our UPS a/c number ? No Minimum Order limited, fast and reliable spare parts for our clients are guaranteed.

Clients Reply for customized shale shaker for drilling mud system solution: Continue reading “Customized Shale Shaker for mud system.”