How to Set Up decanter centrifuge speed for drilling mud

GN oilfield decanter centrifuges can be used in different applications for handling drilling mud for solids control and drilling waste management.

How to set up bowl speed for decanter centrifuge for drilling mud?

Take GNLW363 serires decanter cantrifuge for examsple, operator can set up the decanter centrifuge speed as following, it can used for following application:

PLC Decanter Centrifuge Speed
PLC Decanter Centrifuge Speed
  • Barite Recovery: Operator can run the centrifuge with G foce at range from 700-1000 G, and run the 14 inch decanter centrifuge at speed around 2000 RPM.
  • High Gravity Solids(HGS) Separation:Operator can run the centrifuge with G foce at range from 1000-2000 G, and run the 14 inch decanter centrifuge at speed around 2500 RPM.
  • Low Gravity Solids(LGS) Separation:Operator can run the decanter centrifuge with G foce at range from 1800-2300 G, and run the 14 inch decanter centrifuge at speed around 3000 RPM.

How to asjust the speed for decanter centrifuge?

The method to set up bowl speed for decanter centrifuge normally have three ways, one is to USE the VFD control system to adjust the frequency for the motors to control the speed for the decanter centrifuge, second is to use Hydraulic driven system to adjust the bowl speed and differential speed.Third, to change the centrifuge speed is to use different sizes of pulley and belt to change the speed.

GN offers decanter centrifuge for all above types to allow users to use the decanter centrifuges for different applications.

Decanter Centrifuge Feeding Pump speed and capacity.

To feed the GN 14 inch GNLW363 Decanter centrifuge, normaly we recommend to use GNG30-7.5 screw pump.The GNG30-7.5 screw pump is a positive displacement single screw pump, the capacity of the pump depends on the speed or the motor, the motor transfer the speed thru gearbox to the pump.  For example, the ration of the Screw pump is 6/1 so if the pump motor run at 60HZ, that means the motor run at 1750RPM and the pump will run at 291RPM. And if the decanter centrifuge feeding pump run at 291 RPM with capacity at 30m³/h. And if adjust the VFD to run at 30HZ, the pump speed will be half capacity, around 15m³/h.





Solids Control Equipment for TBM Slurry Separation System

GN TBM Slurry separation equipment are optimally adapted to the requirements of the tunnelling (TBM) process and separate the drilling suspension completely from the solid particles consisting of gravel, stone and sand in various grain sizes. A powerful combination different solids control equipment of state-of-the-art shale shaker technology and Hydro cyclones with high g-forces results in deposit able excavated material.

micro tunnelling tbm slurry separation system
micro tunnelling tbm slurry separation system

GN Solids control manufacture all major solids control equipment for the TBM Slurry separation system including following:


  • TBM Slurry separation Shale Shakers for coarse solids separation.
  • TBM Slurry separation desander and desilters for desanding and desilting separation.
  • Centrifugal slurry pump for feeding to the separation equipment.
  • Mixing hoppers for bentonite mud mixing.

Solids Control Unit for Civil and Mining Drilling

Solids Control Unit for Civil and Underground Industry

  • Drilling mud Solids Control systems – This industry involves horizontal directional drilling rigs and Micro tunneling rigs which require it to be equipped with drilling solids control systems. So we can sell the mud solids control system package to the drilling rig manufacturer, and underground drilling contractors as well as the mud service companies who do service for the drilling contractor.

    Solids Control Unit Mining
    Solids Control Unit Mining

For this industry, we have two major advantages, first, we can do customized design with competitive pricing as required by customer. We also service the untapped civil and underground industry  with solids control equipment whereas our competitors in America may focus only on the oil gas industry, or only have prefabricated models for the customer, who will only  customized design at very high extra costs.

Mining industry Solids Control unit

  • Solids Control system –  During the exploration of the mines by drilling, the drilling contractor will need to use a mud recycling system to clean the drilling fluids and reuse the drilling fluids. Especially for diamond drilling customer, they need compact mud systems to clean drilling fluid and to separate very fine solids.
  • Small compact solids control equipment – Many companies have ignored this industry, so they did not design small compact equipment like mini shakers, mini solids control decanter centrifuge to fit this industry.

Even if our competitors have the mini solids control equipment, as they are very big companies who are not willing to make the complete customized package for the customer, like we do. GN Solids Control have already done many project for this industry in Australia, Asia and Canada which has a huge demand for such mining exploration solids control equipment for diamond drilling.


GN Solids Decanter Centrifuge Different Applications

GN Solids is the leading manufacturer for decanter centrifuge. They have different type centrifuge for different applications. Recently, They just finish the CIPPE oil show in Beijing with their latest patent decanter centrifuge. On the show, many visitors come and show keen interest on GN PLC display screen, positive pressurized control panel. Two big visitors check GN factory after the exhibition and release Purchase Orders on decanter centrifuge and vertical cuttings dryer.

GN Solids is the leading manufacturer for decanter centrifuge. They have different type centrifuge for different applications.  Recently, GN Solids just finish the CIPPE oil show in Beijing with their latest patent decanter centrifuge. On the show, many visitors come and show keen interest on GN PLC display screen, positive pressurized control panel.  Two big visitors check GN factory after the exhibition and release Purchase Orders on decanter centrifuge and vertical cuttings dryer.

decanter centrifuge

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Solids Separator Screw Unit for live sewerage Cleaning

To separate easily settleable solids (eg. sand or slag ) from effluent or process water, Solids separator with screw auger is required. In order to meet requirement for this field, GN Solids develop a new kinds products solids separator with screw auger.

To separate easily settleable solids (eg. sand or slag ) from effluent or process water, Solids separator with screw auger is required. In order to meet requirement for this field, GN Solids develop a new kinds products solids separator with screw auger.

solids separator screw unit

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Hydraulic Lifting and Descending 1000GPM Mud Cleaning System to Australia

Austrialia is a good market for no-dig drilling project and has a large demand on no-dig drilling equipment. From year of 2010, GN Solids exported complete many sets of mud cleaning system there. So far, GN Solids is well known locally and awarded good reputation.

Austrialia is a good market for no-dig drilling project and has a large demand on no-dig drilling equipment. From year of 2010, GN Solids exported complete many sets of mud cleaning system there. So far, GN Solids is well known locally and awarded good reputation.

As China leading manufacturer of solids control system, GN Solids focus on customer’s requirement and always offer the best equipment. Recently, we just dispatched one set of hudraulic lifting and descending 1000GPM mud cleaning system to Australia. The system equipment configurations as below:

  • two sets of mud tanks,
  • 2 pcs of shale shaker
  • 1 pc of Mud Cleaner with desliter cones
  • mud agitators, mud hoppers, mud guns etc.

GN compact mud cleaning system is widely used in horizontal directional drilling, coalbed methane drilling, diamond drilling, water well drilling, pile drilling etc. With mud cleaning system, the constrction can lead to less pollution on environment and make full use of drilling material.

mud cleaning system

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Drilling Mud Vacuum Degasser exported to Africa

GN Solids is a professional oifield drilling mud vacuum degasser manufacturer and supplier in China oil drilling mud solids control industry. As the pioneer in this industry, GN Solids is capable of providing customers with series products ,such as oil & gas drilling fluid solids control equipment, drilling decanter centrifuge, drilling waste management equipment and drilling security equipment.

GN Solids is a professional oifield drilling mud vacuum degasser manufacturer and supplier in China oil drilling mud solids control industry. As the pioneer in this industry, GN Solids is capable of providing customers with series products ,such as oil & gas drilling fluid solids control equipment, drilling decanter centrifuge, drilling waste management equipment and drilling security equipment.

Application of drilling mud vacuum degasser

To recomve invading gas from drilling mud, it is necessary to install a vacuum degasser. So that the invading gases may not impact mud properties. This invading gases can lead to risks and affect the lifespan of solids control equipment.

Vacuum degasser is a special-purpose oil drilling mud solids control equipment and a new type one for the drilling fluids system. Drilling mud vacuum degasser can get rid of various gases invading drilling quickly. Drilling mud vacuum degasser is very important for keeping mud gravity, stabilizing mud viscosity and reducing drilling cost. At the same time, drilling mud vacuum degasser can be used as a heavy-power mud agitator and supported applicable to all types of drilling mud purification system. The drilling mud vacuum degasser design of the structure is scientific and rational. So we are able to achieve an effective gas-liquid separation, filter out impurities and to ensure that the exhaust pipe is always smooth.

drilling mud vaccum degasser

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Linear Motion Drilling Mud Shale Shaker exported to Indonesia

The shale shaker is the first stage of solids control equipment in drilling mud purification system. It can remove cuttings above 75 μm brought from the drilling well to leave the liquid with smaller particles into the tanks below, which will flow into next grade solids control equipment for further treatment.

The shale shaker is the first stage of solids control equipment in drilling mud purification system. It can remove cuttings above 75 μm brought from the drilling well to leave the liquid with smaller particles into the tanks below, which will flow into next grade solids control equipment for further treatment.

The economy of GN Solids Linear Motion Drilling Mud Shale Shaker

GN Solids drilling fluid linear motion shale shaker is especially effective while drilling top-hole sections where heavy and high-volume solids are usually encountered. In these intervals, drilling shale shakers may generate powerful G-forces and its effective vibrating motion can quickly remove the dense solids from screens and particles from wells.

linear motion drilling mud shale shaker

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Desander and Desilter for Drilling Mud System

GN Solids is professional manufacturer for complete sets of drilling mud separation and recycling equipment. The conventional equipment like shale shaker, mud cleaner, desander, desilter, vacuum degasser, decanter centrifuge, mud agitator, mud gun, centrifugal pump, screw pump, etc. Here, let’s learn more about desander and desilter.

1. The general installation type and function of desander and desilter

Desander and desilter are solids control equipment with a set of hydrocyclones that separate sand and silt from the drilling mud used on drilling rigs.

They can be installed separately: Desander is installed on top of the mud tank following shale shaker and vacuum degasser, but before the desilter. Desilter is installed on top of the mud tank following Desander. They also can be installed completely: in this case, they are installed on one deck shaker and called mud cleaner or mud conditioner.

Desander removes the abrasive solids from drilling mud which cannot be removed by shale shakers. Normally the solids diameter for desander to be separated would be 45~74μm, and 15~44μm for desilter


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Shale Shaker Screen Applications

GN Solids is professional solids control equipment manufacturer. We can offer shale shaker, mud cleaner, de-sander, de-silter, decanter centrifuge, centrifugal pump, mud agitator, mud tanks etc. Regarding shale shaker, shaker screen is the most important spare parts. The shaker screen should be chosen by mud engineer who is in charge of test the property of drilling mud.

GN Solids is professional solids control equipment manufacturer. We can offer shale shaker, mud cleaner, de-sander, de-silter, decanter centrifuge, centrifugal pump, mud agitator, mud tanks etc. Regarding shale shaker, shaker screen is the most important spare parts. The shaker screen should be chosen by mud engineer who is in charge of test the property of drilling mud.

shale shaker

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