1000bbl mud system for oil drilling rig

GN Solids Control has been working for oil & gas drilling field for about 10 years. In past years, we accumulate rich experience in mud system manufacturing, sales, operation, and maintenance. Recently, we have inquiry from Africa about 1000bbl mud system for oil drilling rig, and we give below proposal:


1) shale shaker tank

The first tank, shaker tank is equipped with 2 sets shale shaker, 1 set mud cleaner, agitators, centrifugal pumps etc.

Mud tank: 1 set, tank size 11000 X 2100 X 2150mm. The mud tank is oilfield skid mounted tank, the most popular tank type for oil drilling.

Shale shaker: we recommend GNZS594 shale shaker for better working performance, longer shaker deck and composite material screen with long lifetime.  GN composite material screen is replacement for Swaco Mongoose

Mud cleaner: we recommend mud cleaner with 2ea desander cyclones and 12ea desilter cyclones. The deck shaker is same as GNZS594 shaker, thus same type shaker screen is required, no need backup different type screens.

Centrifugal pump is equipped to feeding the mud cleaner cyclones.

The third compartment in mud tank is clean mud after treatment; mud agitator is equipped to suspending the mud.

2) Decanter centrifuge tank

The second tank, centrifuge tank is equipped with 1ea middle speed centrifuge, jet mud hopper and mixing pump.

The centrifuge GNLW452 middle speed centrifuge is used to remove the barite in the mud or other big solids particles.

The mud hopper and mixing pump is used to mixing chemicals into the drilling mud, to adjust the mud weight and mud viscosity.

Mud tank: 1 set, tank size 11000 X 2100 X 2150mm. The mud tank is oilfield skid mounted tank, the most popular tank type for oil drilling.

3) Mud storage tanks

There are another two mud tanks for mud storage, same tank size to shaker tank. The tank is equipped with necessary mud agitators, mud guns and necessary pipelines and other spares.

If you need any solids control equipment or mud system, pls contact GN freely.

GN drilling waste management package for Africa

Many China drilling contractor or oil service company have business in Africa, they bring the high technology there, help the economy development of the local market, and improve the lift of local people.


Recently,  one China government company CNPC have get some project in Africa, and give purchase order to buy drilling waste management package from GN Solids Control.  The package including below items:

1) Mud tanks with High G drying shaker

GN High G drying shaker is very popular to treat the water based mud drilling cuttings discharged from shale shaker. The patent 4 panel shaker is replacement for Swaco Mongoose.

If for oil based mud, vertical cuttings dryer will give much better working performance. However, the purchase cost and maintenance cost of Vertical cuttings dryer will be much higher than High G drying shaker. The client can make decision based on the Mud condition, budget and the special requirement from the owner.

2) Mud tanks with decanter centrifuge & flocculent unit

The WBM drilling cuttings, after treatment of High G drying shaker, the separated liquid should be transfer to decanter centrifuge for 2nd step treatment. GN decanter centrifuge have different model for option. The most popular model is 14inch bowl centrifuge GNLW363.

This decanter centrifuge is equivalent to Derrick DE1000/ Swaco 518. And we have fixed speed type and variable speed type for option.

If ultra fine solids in liquid cannot be separated by centrifuge, flocculent unit is required to coagulate the ultra fine solids to big particles, then separated by centrifuge.

3) Auxiliary equipment, including screw conveyor, transfer pumps, feeding pumps, is included for the package.

Except above part, GN can offer different model shaker screens to replace the expensive screens from original seller. The screens including:

  • GN replacement screen for Derrick FLC500 shaker, Derrick FLC2000 shaker;
  • GN replacement screen for Swaco Mongoose shaker
  • GN replacement screen for NOV brandt king cobra shaker /VSM shaker


GN Waste Management system exporting to Africa

Even the oil drilling market is very down, we still can receive some purchase orders from old clients. Recently, we finish production for waste management system, and is exporting to Uganda, Africa now. China Oilfield Services Limited (COSL) bought the equipment and doing drilling operations there.  The project including below items:


1) High G dryer with collection tank beneath.

The High G dryer is GN 4 panel shale shaker with up to 8G vibration motor, and 4pcs composite material shaker screen. The high G force and longer deck can make the solids discharge much dryer, which is easier for transportation.  The clean mud will drop down to the beneath catch tank.

2) High speed decanter centrifuge with mud catch tank

The decanter centrifuge is GN 14inch high speed centrifuge, which is the most popular model for oil & gas drilling. The 14inch centrifuge is equivalent to Swaco 518 centrifuge or Derrick DE1000 centrifuge. Many client used Swaco/Derrick centrifuge before, and shift to GN after knowing GN strength and high quality of GN centrifuge.

The high speed centrifuge can be set to 3200RPM, which can separate 2-5microns fine solids. The clean drilling mud drop down to the catch tank below. Then, the screw pump will transfer the clean mud back to drilling active tanks for reuse.

Above equipment system is more proper for water based mud treatment. For oil based mud cuttings treatment, Vertical cuttings dryer will give much better performance. GN vertical cuttings dryer have been put into market for over 3 years. The separation  point is mainly depends on the screen basket, 0.25mm/0.35mm/0.5mm opening for options.

As China & USA leading brand for solids control / drilling waste management, GN Solids Control have various product to meet the different needs, including vertical cuttings dryer, high G dryer, decanter centrifuge, solidification unit, thermal desorption unit etc.

GN Shaker Screen exporting to Africa, Middle East

GN Solids Control is China & USA leading brand for shale shaker screens, as well as solids control & drilling waste management. With high quality and much better price, GN Shaker screen have replaced lots of original USA shaker screen, saving much cost for clients and also giving better user experience.

1) What shaker screen you can get from GN ?

Replacement shaker screen for Derrick FLC500 shaker, Derrick FLC2000 shaker.

Replacement shaker screen for NOV brandt king cobra shaker

Replacement shaker screen for MI Swaco Mongoose shaker

Replacement shaker screen for FSI5000 shaker

Replacement shaker screen for Scomi shaker


GN Shaker Screen For Sale

2) What support you can get from GN?

For large order, we can offer some screen sample for test first. After the end user / drilling company accept the quality, we can sign the purchase order in large quantity.

We also welcome client to check GN shaker screen production line close to Beijing, China. We are very close to Beijing International Airport, can arrange car for visitor, pick up from the airport, arrange hotel and drive back to the airport after visiting.

We have a separate specialized factory for shaker screen production. The visitor can check the raw material for production, the process machines, and the hot press craft, package etc.

3) GN product range

GN Solids can offer the complete line of solids control equipment, drilling waste management, mud system etc.. Pls check below GN product range:

Solids control equipment: shale shaker, mud cleaner, decanter centrifuge , agitator, centrifugal pump, shear pump, mud tank etc.

Drilling waste management equipment: vertical cuttings dryer, solidification unit, screw conveyor, slurry pump, screw pump, thermal desorption unit.

Mud system: oil drilling mud system, HDD compact 500gpm mud system, mining/piling desanding plant, liquid mud plant, slurry separation plant etc.

Industry centrifuges, like big bowl centrifuge for TBM, FHD centrifuge for higher standard application.


GN Solids Control facility in the world

GN is China brand & USA based leading manufacturer for solids control & drilling waste management. Most of GN product is exporting to clients from China headquarter; some product is exporting to clients from USA facility.

1) GN headquarter close to Beijing

GN have two facility in Industry area, China, which is very close to Beijing International Airport. The first factory is mainly for general production of solids control equipment, including shale shaker, mud cleaner, centrifugal pump, shear pump, screw pump, agitator, mud gun, mud tanks etc. The second factory is mainly for vertical cuttings dryer, decanter centrifuge, shaker screen and electrical control panels.

This two factory is the only production facility of GN Solids Control. We welcome clients to check our factory and talk more in the office.

GN Solids Control

2) GN USA base in Houston

GN USA base in Houston, already in operation for over 3 years. We have a office there, and warehouse to stock the popular solids control equipment models, including shale shakers, mud cleaner, centrifuge, vertical cuttings dryer, some pumps, and some shaker screens.

The clients in North America, or South America can visit GN Houston facility and meet GN people in the office, much easier for them than coming to China, fly half earth.

3) GN office in Russia

GN is also considering having their own base in Russia, to stock necessary equipment for fast sell. For now, GN have their office in Russia and visit the clients every week to promote the products sales.

The clients in Russia or neighbor countries can visit our office in Russia or come to China factory as per the convenience.

4) GN partner in Australia, Egypt, Argentina…

We don’t have direct office and warehouse in other countries, but we have some partners worldwide.

The partner in Australia is local most professional HDD contractor, with many years experience both in HDD rig and mud recycling system.

The partner in Egypt is local most professional chemical and mud Enginnering Company, with over 30 years experience in Oil & Gas drilling.



GN stock mud agitator and mud hopper for upcoming requirements

GN Solids Control is China & USA based leading brand for solids control equipment. In the past 10 years, GN committed himself to support the worldwide market and win good reputation, especially in global market.

Even the market is down now, GN show positive attitude for the upcoming requirement in next year. To support the market well, shorten the delivery time, accelerating the turnover of capital for clients, GN stock agitator and mud hopper for upcoming requirements. Before stocking of this small equipment, we already have a good quantity of stock for shale shakers, mud cleaners, decanter centrifuges, vertical cuttings dryers etc.


1) GN shale shaker & mud cleaner in stock

GN shale shaker main components are ready for fast assembly and fast delivery. This is good stock. After we have enquiry from clients, we can buy the proper model electrical motor, and finis the assembly and test in about one week. This really help a lot for the turnover of capital for clients.

GN mud cleaner have the same prepare module. We also have good stock for desander cones and desilter cones.

2) GN decanter centrifuge in stock

Decanter centrifuge is the most expensive item in solids control equipment line. Many overseas client rent centrifuge from centrifuge Rental Company, one time price better and very fast delivery. However, GN stock centrifuge may contribute to the purchase from clients. As for price, the cost of one set centrifuge may equal to about 3 times rental cost, it is better clients buy their own centrifuge for long term application, at least 3-5 years. As for delivery, GN stock centrifuge can give very fast delivery.

3) GN vertical cuttings dryer in stock

As the much lower oil price, the drilling waste management market should be pretty cold for long time. Anyway, we will give good service when have requirement from clients.

GN Mud Cleaner & Centrifuge export to Russia

Russia oil drilling market prefers to buy more and more solids control equipment from China as the strained relationship between Russia and US. Since 2014, The sales amount to Russia have a big percentage for our exporting business.

1)Mud Cleaner:

GN Mud cleaner is combination of shale shaker, desander cones and desilter cones. Three units in one make the footprint much smaller, save lots of space for the surface of mud tank system.

GN have different type shale shaker, with 2 panel, 3 panel or 4 panel. Thus, the mud cleaner is also different which can be 2 panel, 3 panel or 4 panel deck shaker.

The mud cleaner treating capacity also decided by the desander cones qty or  desilter cones qty, which can be 200gpm, 500gpm, 800gpm,1000gpm or  1500gpm. We can control the treating capacity by the quantity of desander or desilter.

HDD mud system 2015.04

2) Decanter centrifuge

GN Decanter centrifuge have different options. For oil drilling, the most popular centrifuge model is GNLW363 and GNLW452. GNLW363 is high speed centrifuge with 14inch bowl size and can be used with fixed speed control panel or variable speed control panel; GNLW452 is middle speed centrifuge which is specialized for barite recovery or big solids separation.

Except for above two model centrifuge, we also have another model centrifuge in different bowl size. Pls check more from GN website:  GN Decanter centrifuge


3) Vertical cuttings dryer:

GN vertical cuttings dryer is used for drilling waste management. As to support the environmental protection, we design the machine as per the request from government policy. Up to now, the centrifuge show super working performance when deal with oil based mud drilling cuttings, saving lots of cost for clients on the OBM drilling cuttings treatment, in separation and transportation.

If you need any support on solids control or drilling waste management, pls contact us freely.

GN Decanter Centrifuge will be shown in ADIPEC next month

ADIPEC oil show is coming next month on 7-10, November. As the second largest oil show, ADIPEC will attract lots of visitors from all over the world. As the usual exhibitor, GN Solids Control will attend the ADIPEC oil show with the latest model 14inch decanter centrifuge, as well as the most popular model for oil & gas drilling rigs.

What is new configuration of GN decanter centrifuge?

  • 1) Patent design, which is different from Derrick centrifuge or Swaco centrifuge
  • 2) Bowl cylindrical and conical section made from Duplex Stainless steel 2205 by centrifugal force
  • 3) Other parts of the bowl assembly made from: SS316
  • 4) Screw protection: Tungsten carbide tiles for longer life and easier replacement
  • 5) Genuine SKF bearing for the centrifuge bowl, longer and reliable performance
  • 6) VFD control panel with positive pressurized and PLC touch screen operation

The 14inch bowl centrifuge has been working for oil drilling market over two years, working performance, parts lifetime, working reliability, treating capacity is improved a lot compared with former design decanter centrifuge.


Continue reading “GN Decanter Centrifuge will be shown in ADIPEC next month”

GN Centrifuge and Shaker for Oily sludge treatment

As the crude oil price is lower, many drilling company stop drilling operation and are busy with oily sludge. They want to treat the oily sludge, recover valuable oil, and reduce the impact on the environment. Government in every country also has related regulations on environmental protection.

After about half year communication with different oily sludge client, we promote oily sludge treatment system with shaker, centrifuge, chemical dosing system, and O/W separator. The system includes 4 parts.

Part 1: Mixing tank with shaker and agitators

The shaker on the tank is long deck shale shaker with hot line inlet water/steam, which can help to improve the separation performance of shaker screen. We also advise coarse mesh screen for longer working life, and to avoid sludge stick on the screen.

After separation of shaker, the liquid go down to the mixing tank, the agitator will suspending it. Meanwhile, the chemical will coming from chemical dosing system. Here, the oily sludge will be diluted and have better separation.

mud tank

Part 2: Chemical dosing system

The chemical dosing system including PAM three tank dosing system, acid tank etc.

Part 3: Centrifuge on telescopic skid

After the mixing tank, the oily sludge will be transfer to centrifuge system. High speed centrifuge can separate the fine solids, discharge down to skips, and the clean liquid go to slant plate clarifier.

We recommend most popular centrifuge model GNLW363 series. The 14inch centrifuge is equivalent to Swaco 518 centrifuge or Derrick DE1000 centrifuges. We have lots of client shift from Swaco/Derrick to GN for centrifuge requirements.

Big bowl big capacity centrifuge is also available, GNLW553 centrifuge is 22inch centrifuge with big volume.


Part 4: slant plate clarifier and O/W separator

Via slant plate clarifier, the solids will be removed. Then, the liquid go to O/W separator, here the liquid will be separated into oil and water. Oil pump to oil tank; water pump to water tank.

If you are in need of solids control equipment, pls contact us freely.

GN replacement screen for Brandt Venom shaker

GN can offer various type shaker screens for different model shale shakers. Recently, we have one client from Middle East with 5 land rigs under drilling. He visited our company at the end of last year, and he knows GN very well. At the first, the client need equipment for oily sludge treatment, they failed to win the tender. Next time they need some sets of decanter centrifuges & high G drying shakers, but they are busy with big tender for chemical supply and they lose the centrifuge tender again. We really feel sorry to hear that.

2015.1.9 replacement screen for Swaco MONGOOSE SCREEN

After about half years past, the client needs to buy some screens sample for their rigs working in Oman. And we want to catch this opportunity and start to offer products to them. The client need 20pcs replacement shaker screen for Brandt VENOM shaker (API 70) and 20pcs replacement shaker screen for Brandt VENOM shaker (API 80). We can offer both composite material frame screen and carbon steel frame screen.  In fact, the carbon steel frame screen is not feedback good in some mud condition, even the price of composite material is higher, we recommend client the composite material screen with much better and reliable working performance.

Except for Venom shaker, GN can also offer other different models of replacement shaker screen. For example:

1) Replacement screen for Derrick FLC 2000 shale shakers, pyramid screen and flat screen.

2) Replacement screen for Derrick FLC 500 shale shakers, pyramid screen and flat screen.

3) Replacement screen for Swaco Mongoose, omposite material screen or Carbon steel frame screen, different price, different lifetime and different working performance. We recommend composite as better choice

4) Replacement screen for Brandt king cobra/ Brandt Venom, composite material screen or Carbon steel frame screen, different price, different lifetime and different working performance. We recommend composite as better choice

5) Except for above screens, GN can offer replacement screen for Scomi shakers, FSI shale shakers