Drilling fluid control for TBM

With TBM,sometime ,will use drilling fluid to keep press,GN solids control have centrifuge and other solids control equipment to join mud management system

In soft ground, there are three main types of TBMs: Earth Pressure Balance Machines (EPB), Slurry Shield (SS) and open-face type. Both types of closed machines operate like Single Shield TBMs, using thrust cylinders to advance forward by pushing off against concrete segments. Earth Pressure Balance Machines are used in soft ground with less than 7 bar of pressure. The cutter head does not use disc cutters only, but instead a combination of tungsten carbide cutting bits, carbide disc cutters, drag picks and/or hard rock disc cutters. The EPB gets its name because it uses the excavated material to balance the pressure at the tunnel face. Pressure is maintained in the cutterhead by controlling the rate of extraction of spoil through the Archimedes screw and the advance rate. Additives such as bentonite, polymers and foam can be injected ahead of the face to increase the stability of the ground. Additives can also be injected in the cutterhead/extraction screw to ensure that the spoil remains sufficiently cohesive to form a plug in the Archimedes screw to maintain pressure in the cutterhead and restrict water flowing through.

For solids control equipment with TBM,GN solids control can supply package system solution like shale shaker/centrifuge/vertical cutting dryer/other equipment to recycle drilling fluid,and treat waste ,please check more detail at GN solids control

The damage of oil sludge drilling waste

With oil&gas drilling work going,more sludge come out,and many company want to solve it,and contact GN,we are trying to supply suitable product and solution


The oil & gas demand increased year by year. Many countries increased offshore/onshore oil and gas development efforts, while a large number of mining also caused serious environmental become bad, to keep balance of development and environmental. In the development process, oil-based mud, hydraulic fracturing and other development methods will cause high pollution.the company and local government should treat it seriously


Solid hazard:

It will take up large area of valuable land if the sludge is bulky and directly discharged without treatment.also pollutes the surrounding soil/water/air. If stored in the open air, the sludge will directly pollute the land and the crude oil will cause damaging pollution to the surrounding vegetation.not adviced,and the quantity of solid part is not small

Gas hazards:

Sludge is associated with the formation of foul gases and can contaminate the surrounding soil, water and air. In the event of a fire, open-air stored sludge will burn with toxic gases such as sulfur and cause serious air pollution, The physical health poses a serious threat.the damage gas will effect cillage and city directly if didn’t do prepare

Other hazards:

The mud contains a large number of pathogens, parasites (eggs), copper, zinc, chromium, mercury and other heavy metals, salts and PCBs, dioxins, radionuclides and other toxic and harmful substances is difficult to degradation, serious pollution and the surrounding damage to the environment.also the damage’s continue time is very long,

As solids control equipment manufacturer,GN will try supply suitable product to keep environment better

Drilling fluids

GN focus on manage drilling fluid for rig

Contamination of drilling fluids with drilled cuttings is an unavoidable consequence of successful drilling operations. If the drilling fluid does not carry cuttings and cavings to the surface, the rig either is not “making hole” or soon will be stuck in the hole it is making. The drill cuttings that are separated from the drilling fluid on the surface by the soldis control equipment and some quantity of unrecoverable or economically unwanted drilling fluid are a major source of drilling waste. Drilled and formation solids that are sized smaller than can be removed by the solids control equipment are often reported as drill solids. Some quantitiy of drill solids will accumulate in the drilling fluid and must be removed by the solids control equipment or reduced in concentration by dilution.


Mainy drilling fluid is WBFs and OBFs


WBFs:Water-based fluids

Water-based fluids (WBFs) are used to drill approximately 80% of all wells. The base fluid may be fresh water, seawater, brine, saturated brine, or a formate brine. The type of fluid selected depends on anticipated well conditions or on the specific interval of the well being drilled. For example, the surface interval typically is drilled with a low-density water- or seawater-based mud that contains few commercial additives. These systems incorporate natural clays in the course of the drilling operation. Some commercial bentonite or attapulgite also may be added to aid in fluid-loss control and to enhance hole-cleaning effectiveness. After surface casing is set and cemented, the operator often continues drilling with a WBF unless well conditions require displacing to an oil- or synthetic-based system.

Oil-based systems were developed and introduced in the 1960s to help address several drilling problems:


Formation clays that react, swell, or slough after exposure to WBFs

Increasing downhole temperatures


Stuck pipe and torque and drag


OBFs:Oil-based fluids

Oil-based fluids (OBFs) in use today are formulated with diesel, mineral oil, or low-toxicity linear olefins and paraffins. The olefins and paraffins are often referred to as “synthetics” although some are derived from distillation of crude oil and some are chemically synthesised from smaller molecules. The electrical stability of the internal brine or water phase is monitored to help ensure that the strength of the emulsion is maintained at or near a predetermined value. The emulsion should be stable enough to incorporate additional water volume if a downhole water flow is encountered.

For better rig work,GN have package solution and equipment for drilling fluids

API standard with GN

As a famous standard,GN admit API ,and many place follow it

The American Petroleum Institute (API) is the largest U.S. trade association for the oil and natural gas industry. Built in 1919, the API is the first national-level business association in the United States and one of the earliest and most successful chambers of commerce in the world. The American Petroleum Institute is the largest U.S. trade association for the oil and gas industry. It represents about 400 enterprises involved in the oil industry production, refining, distribution. The Association’s main functions include advocacy and negotiation with the government, the legal community and regulatory agencies; research into the economic and environmental impacts of the industry; establishment of industry standards and certification; and outreach education advocacy. API funding and conducting a number of studies related to the oil industry.

It said to represent about 650 corporations involved in production, refinement, distribution, and big part of other aspects of the petroleum industry.

The association describes its mission as to influence public policy in support of a strong, viable U.S. oil and natural gas industry. Its chief functions on behalf of the industry include advocacy, negotiation and lobbying with governmental, legal, and regulatory agencies; research into economic, toxicological, and environmental effects; establishment and certification of industry standards; and education outreach.API both funds and conducts research related to many aspects of the petroleum industry.also it means a lot for the whole industrial,make it grow up stable,many company admit API as the standard in global, Now the CEO and president is Jack Gerard.


The API standard is widely used not only by domestic companies but also by federal and state laws and regulations as well as government agencies such as the Department of Transportation, Department of Defense, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Customs, Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Geological Survey, etc. It is also cited by ISO, international legal metrology organization and over 100 national standards all over the world.

API standards mainly specify equipment performance, sometimes including design and process specifications. The standard setting areas include oil production, refining, measurement, transportation, sales, safety and fire protection, environmental regulations, etc. The information technology standards include EDI for the oil and gas industry , Communications and information technology applications and so on.

The API enjoys a high reputation both in the United States and in other parts of the world and is recognized by the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. Trade Commission as a petroleum machinery certification body. Its petrochemical and oil recovery machinery technical standards are adopted by many countries. Oil companies in many countries of the Middle East, South America and Asia generally require API-marked products when bidding for petroleum machinery to be eligible for bidding. Therefore, the oil machinery with the API logo is not only considered as reliable and advanced. Currently, there are members from all over the world in all aspects including exploration and production, transportation, refining and marketing. Today, APIs have evolved to become an integral part of the world’s oil industry activities, not only in the United States but increasingly.

API can guide the whole industrial grow up health,and GN already learn a lot from it

Tungsten Carbide as protect tiles’ material for centrifuge screw

Tungsten carbide (chemical formula: WC) is a chemical compound (specifically, a carbide) containing equal parts of tungsten and carbon atoms. In its most basic form, tungsten carbide is a fine gray powder, but it can be pressed and formed into shapes for use in industrial machinery, cutting tools, abrasives, armor-piercing rounds, other tools and instruments, and jewelry.

Tungsten carbide has a high melting point at 2,870 °C (5,200 °F), a boiling point of 6,000 °C (10,830 °F) when under a pressure equivalent to 1 standard atmosphere (100 kPa),a thermal conductivity of 110 W·m−1·K−1,and a coefficient of thermal expansion of 5.5 µm·m−1·K−1

Tungsten carbide is extremely hard, ranking about 9 on Mohs scale, and with a Vickers number of around 2600.It has a Young’s modulus of approximately 530–700 GPa,a bulk modulus of 630–655 GPa, and a shear modulus of 274 GPa. It has an ultimate tensile strength of 344 MPa, an ultimate compression strength of about 2.7 GPa and a Poisson’s ratio of 0.31.

Sintered tungsten carbide cutting tools are very abrasion resistant and can also withstand higher temperatures than standard high-speed steel tools. Carbide cutting surfaces are often used for machining through materials such as carbon steel or stainless steel, and in situations where other tools would wear away, such as high-quantity production runs. Because carbide tools maintain a sharp cutting edge better than other tools, they generally produce a better finish on parts, and their temperature resistance allows faster machining. The material is usually called cemented carbide, hardmetal or tungsten-carbide cobalt: it is a metal matrix composite, where tungsten carbide particles are the aggregate, and metallic cobalt serves as the matrix. Manufacturers use tungsten carbide as the main material in some high-speed drill bits, as it can resist high temperatures and is extremely hard.

The application of Tungsten carbide is extensive:

Cutting tools for machining/Ammunition/Mining/Nuclear/Sports usage/Surgical instruments/Jewelry/other

GN’s centrifuge screw is protected by interchangeable tungsten carbide tile for longer service life and easy maintenance

Solid control equipment-shale shaker

The shale shakers performance can be easily observed, all aspects of its operation are visible. Shale shakers provide the advantage of not degrading soft or friable cuttings. When well operated and maintained,shale shakers can produce a relatively dry cuttings discharge.

In unweighted muds, the shale shaker’s main role is to remove as much solids as possible and reduce the solids loading to the downstream hydrocyclones and centrifuges to improve their efficiency. In muds containing solid weighting agents such as barite, the shale shaker is the primary solids removal device. It is usually relied upon to remove all drilled cuttings coarser than the weighting material. Downstream equipment will often remove too much valuable weighting material.Enough shakers should be installed to process the entire circulating rate with the goal of removing as many drilled cuttings as economically feasible. Given the importance of the shale shaker, the most efficient

shakers and screens should be selected to achieve optimum economic performance of the solids control system.

Shaker performance is a function of:

  • Vibration pattern
  • Vibration dynamics
  • Deck size and configuration
  • Shaker screen characteristics
  • Mud rheology (plastic viscosity)
  • Solids loading rate (penetration rate, hole diameter)

The impact of each is discussed in detail in this chapter. Guidelines for shaker and screen selection are also provided.Simply stated, a shale shaker works by channelling mud and solids onto vibrating screens. The mud and fine solids pass through the screens and return to the active system. Solids coarser than the screen openings are conveyed off the screen by the vibratory motion of the shaker. The shaker is the only solids removal device that makes a separation based on physical particle size. Hydrocyclones and centrifuges separate solids based on differences in their relative mass.

Read more for GN Shale Shakers

You will read more info. for the shale shaker screens available manufactured by GN Solids Control.

Mechanical sealing for centrifugal pump

Mechanical sealing for centrifugal pump

Centrifugal pump is the regular pump use for solids control system and drilling oil system,GN solids control try supply reliable pump to every client

Mechanical seal as important point to decide pump’s quality and service life,was pay attentioned by GN solids control

The mechanical seal is simply a method of containing fluid within a vessel (typically pumps, mixers, etc.) where a rotating shaft passes through a stationary housing or occasionally, where the housing rotates around the shaft.

When sealing a centrifugal pump, the challenge is to allow a rotating shaft to enter the ‘wet’ area of the pump, without allowing large volumes of pressurized fluid to escape.

To address this challenge there needs to be a seal between the shaft and the pump housing that can contain the pressure of the process being pumped and withstand the friction caused by the shaft rotating.

Here we compare two different way

Traditional method

Gland packing is still commonly used in many applications, however increasingly users are adopting mechanical seals for the following reasons:;

  • The friction of the shaft rotating wears away at the packing over time, which leads to increased leakage until the packing is adjusted or re-packed.
  • The friction of the shaft also means that packing also needs to be flushed with large volumes of water in order to keep it cool.
  • Packing needs to press against the shaft in order to reduce leakage – this means that the pump needs more drive power to turn the shaft, wasting energy.
  • Because packing needs to contact the shaft it will eventually wear a groove into it, which can be costly to repair or replace.

Why choose mechanical sealing

  • No “visible” leak – seals do leak vapour as the fluid film on the faces reaches the atmospheric side of the seal faces.
    • This would approximate to 1/2 teaspoon a day at normal operating pressures and temperatures, if it were captured and condensed.
  • Modern cartridge seal designs do not damage the pump shaft or sleeve.
  • Day to day maintenance is reduced as seals have inboard springs which make them self-adjusting as the faces wear.
  • Seals have lightly loaded faces which consume less power than gland packing.
  • Bearing contamination is reduced in normal operation as the lubricant does not become affected by seal leakage and wash out.
  • Plant equipment also suffers less from corrosion if the product is contained in the pump.
  • Vacuum can also be sealed with this technology, a problem for packing as air was drawn into the pump.
  • Less wasted product will save money, even water is an expensive commodity and less clean up of the area will be needed.

To give client’s suitable product,GN solids control will always develop the design and improve service

GN solidscontrol join ADIPEC 2017

GN will join ADIPEC 13-16 November 2017 (the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference)

Booth Number:10250

We can meet at Abu Dhabi and disscuss how to make solids control more efficiency and provide better service

Our new product plan and supply advice will discuss with you at ADIPEC

Recently, GN received many good comment on theshaker screen performance on site. also, it means the the developing on screen fabrication technology.
For now, GN’s shaker screen facility is able to fabricate the replacement screen for almost all the famous brand in the industry. freshed developing composite frame screen can proved onsite for working time 300~700 hours according to working condition with various mud composition, temperature etc.
To keep reliable quality, GN also designed strong package box for the screen. From screen to packing, both give a magnificent and classy impression. The package is provide with or without GN Logo for clients’ resale purpose.

ADIPEC is one of the world’s most influential events for the oil and gas industry. As a premium exhibition and conference platform, ADIPEC hosts hundreds of speakers, thousands of exhibiting companies and tens of thousands of trade professionals from around the world.

The Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference (ADIPEC) 2017 will be the premier meeting place for energy ministers and C-level executives from the world’s oil and gas giants that will convene under the theme: “Forging Ties, Driving Growth.” It is expected that there will be more than 200+ sessions across the Technical and Non-technical conferences.

ADIPEC’s inaugural 2016 Security In Energy Conference brought together for the very first time, cyber and critical infrastructure security experts and oil and gas executives to discuss the real life security threats and challenges facing the oil and gas industry.

Offshore & Marine at the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference (ADIPEC) has rapidly become a must-visit zone. The next – third – edition of the co-located annual ADIPEC event builds on the success of previous editions, attracting more exhibitors, more visitors and a larger conference stream.

The four-day event includes a waterfront vessel display area, over 8,000 sqm of exhibition space housing more than 150 exhibiting companies with access to 15,000+ professionals from around the world, plus a dedicated Conference theatre for a mixture of strategic and technical sessions.

Hope GN solids control and every visiter have a good time at ADIPEC2017

Shale shaker-as the main part of solids control system

Solids control system will meet different cutting point when running

Shale shaker use for size>70 micron solid particle as the important part of total system

As the first step,GN shale shaker use linear motion,can remove the big size cuttings,and keep high effectiveness,work for second step of whole system,solid&liquid separate result will effect rest solids control step

The applicable range of drilling fluid vibrating screen:

Ground / offshore oil / gas drilling / CBM excavation / Trenchless Directional Crossing / piling / waste water / mud treatment etc., primary and two or three stage solids handling of mud and liquid to be treated. mostly, it is the primary treatment of mud and solid liquid mixtures applicable to various environments.



The performance can be expected and operation direct to watch . Shale shakers provide the advantage of not,easy manage and maintain,shale shakers can produce a sure dry cuttings discharge.equipment’s main job is remove as much solids as possible and reduce the solids loading to the next level, the shale shaker is the primary solids removal device. It is usually relied upon to remove all drilled cuttings coarser than the weighting material. Downstream equipment will often remove too much valuable weighting

Numbers shaker should be installed to process the whole circulating with the target of removing as much drilled cuttings as economically feasible. because as the important part of the system, need arrange enough quantity shale shaker and put at suitable place to achieve optimum economic performance of the solids control system.

The working principle

mainly by the screen frame, screen exciter, damping element composed of drilling fluid shaker, by the mechanical vibration is bigger than the mesh of solid and solid adsorption by mesh sieve out some less than. The drilling fluid returned from the well head flows from the feed tank to the surface of the vibrating screen. The solid phase is discharged from the tail of the screen and contains a liquid phase smaller than the solid phase of the mesh. The sieve flows into the drilling fluid system to complete the separation.

Safety operation of shale shaker for drilling fluid:

It must be determined that the transport locking device is removed prior to use. The equipment can not be repaired, moved or even removed by the use of the vibrating screen. The equipment shall be operated and maintained according to the safety instructions and warning signs given on the equipment.

Maintenance of mud drilling fluid vibrating screen:

According to the vibration motor safety warning, the motor rules, reasonable maintenance, such as filling lubricating oil, etc.;

In the process of use, the screen should be carefully observed, inspection and so on. The damaged screen mesh and the completely damaged screen shall be repaired or replaced in time;

Make necessary cleaning of vibrating screen and screen so that the screen can have a longer life, after each end.

In order to make the use of vibration screen to achieve the best, regularly and systematically monitor the overall situation of the vibration sieve and maintenance.

shale shaker & decanter centrifuge shipping to Russia

With local strong partner, GN Solids open the Russia market, and get a rapid growth in sales amount. The most popular solids control equipment for Russia including: shale shaker, mud cleaner, centrifuge, shaker screen, pumps.

1) 10 sets shale shaker to Russia

Just this month, GN Solids finish the production of 10sets shale shaker. The shale shaker model is 4 panel linear motion shaker, equivalent to Swaco Mongoose shaker. GN Solids shaker also have some other features as following:

  • Shaker bottom made from stainless steel with longer lifetime, and anti-corrosive, much better than carbon steel
  • Pretensioned flat screen with wedge installation, changing screen will be easier and faster.
  • Composite material shaker screen, longer life and good separation performance
  • With Italy OLI brand vibration motor or US martin brand vibration motor, for reliable vibrator performance.

The 10sets shale shaker will be used for 3sets oil drilling rigs, with 1500gpm mud treating capacity. One set shaker will be in stock as backup. When any emergency occurs, the stock shaker can replace the problem shaker.

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