GN Solids Control Waste Management system

GN solids control Skid-mounted waste treatment system is based on customer needs, in accordance with customer requirements for the treatment of mud after the design, manufacture for the recycling of waste sludge skid handling system. The main core equipment of this system is GNZS594E-HB high-frequency vibrating screen for coarse particle screening and GNLW363C-VFD high-speed decanter centrifuge (with 20-foot flocculation dosing system to improve the processing effect of centrifuge) and system Feed screw pump, skid mounted tank, mixer and so on. According to the specific requirements of customers on the discharge, you can adjust the dosage of different flocculation agents to ensure that the expected delivery of the material to achieve the desired effect.

System components and parameters:

The system has two warehouses: one is a pre-mixed screening warehouse, one is a centrifuge liquid collection warehouse; the whole system can be processed by a centrifuge to remove most of the solid particles above 2μm.
Premix screening silos equipped with a stirrer and heating lines to ensure adequate mixing feed and improve the degree of demulsification mixing agent.
System design mud capacity: 30 m3 / h, to adapt to the environment: -15 ° ~ 50 °
Adapt to mud viscosity: ≤ 45 S.
Adapt to climatic conditions: rain, snow, foggy weather.
Continuous operation at rated power.
Working height range: Normal working at altitude ≤2500 m, working efficiency at ≥2500 m above sea level.
All the equipment of the system is a mature technology and new product, and the technical performance meets the relevant requirements of SY / T5612-2007 Design Specification for Solid Phase Control Equipment for Oil Drilling Fluids.
Machine design is reasonable, compact structure, flexible combination, advanced technology, easy operation and maintenance, performance, safety and reliability.
System is easy to dispatch, transfer and transport, to meet the domestic and foreign road transport regulations.

More question about this system,please contact GN solids control

Chemical choose and control for sludge waste management solidification unit

Solidification unit is a kind of equipment used for final treatment of drilling cuttings.some time it was called stabilization unit,With the strict environmental protection regulations issued, most rig site has to consider further treat of the drilling cuttings to reduce the waste discharge and recover drilling fluids as much as possible. To make work environment friendly,The further treated drilling cuttings, due to containing of chemicals, cannot be discharged directly.


Normally,the solidifify will need Cement and lime,some special sludge will add chemical like PAM/blinding material/resin,to keep better solid work,and control harmful metal of drill cutting

Based on different sludge’s solidify time with chemical,GN add VFD adjustable motor for sludge/lime/absorber feeding conveyor ,for easier control solidification unit working progress

Treated material will become solid with in10~15 minutes after discharged from unit,the time can be control follow different sludge and chemical


Most important point for using solidification is clean it before push stop,the solids part will stick at internal surface of mixing tank,it will damage the screw and effect further running


Some area moisture degree is too high,we advice make sure lime tank dry enough when running,or it may meet stick things too and effect feeding


GN choose high quality motor for conveyor for longer system service life,for better arrange waste manage plan

More question,please feel free to contact GN solids control

Balance for decanter centrifuge

GN design decanter centrifuge for oil&gas drilling fluid solids control,also can use for water well drilling mud recycling,and we have success experience for HDD drilling,some mining slurry and river water recycling have need of centrifuge

When centrifuge working,the bowl speed will be very high,max speed will be around 3000RPM,if the centrifuge not at stable plant,the whole machine will shake,and tube and motor will be damaged by this speed,and keep balance for screw and main bowl,is very important

GN have protect design to keep centrifuge avoid complete damage for some time,but most time ,bowl speed too high,damage will still happen,even the centrifuge stop,prepare is always better

The electric current will raise when centrifuge not stable,the motor will request more power to keep bowl speed,if centrifuge working at this state for long time,the life of motor and control system will reduce a lot,and power waste will raise,we have met this before,and advice make check list,and do maintenance to save money for future fix cost

Before fluid feeding to centrifuge,we advice try keep the size of solids average enough,this also can help centrifuge running stable,and make better separation work

The user can build plant to fix centrifuge,this is good way to keep centrifuge work stable,and keep solids control work well


Hope every user get good separation by GN centrifuge,more info,please contact GN solids control

Maintenance for vacuum transfer pump main body

GN Vacuum pump is a good transfer way for solids control area

For vacuum pump service life longer, maintenance is the key segment to guarantee the vacuum pump running properly. It should be frequently to check and maintain the vacuum pump according to the instruction book. every vacuum pump package,this is the main measure to reduce the down time of the vacuum pump and keep equipment running properly all the time.

Points for maintenance

Requirement for maintenance staff

Should designate the technician who was trained with the vacuum pump technology to operate, manage and maintain the vacuum pump.

It’s only allowed for the designated and trained staff to operate and maintain the vacuum pump, and operate the equipment properly, strictly according to the operation use and maintenance procedure’s requirement

Purpose of maintenance

Vacuum should be periodically checked, maintained and serviced to guarantee the function and key parts and safeguard procedure of the vacuum pump under normal condition. And guarantee the vacuum pump working under good conditions and the guarantee the mechanical property and technical characteristic of the vacuum pump. Prolong the equipment longevity and lower the usage cost.

Maintenance method

A large scale maintenance should be done every 3 months, inspect the tank body, the usage of the combination of feed and suction pipe and discharge pipe, if found they are severely damaged,should exchange immediately.

Inspect if the exterior fasteners of the equipment are fastened properly once a month (600 hours)

Inspect the brake valve of air cylinder once a month(600 hours), if the movement is

flexible, if there is air leaking or water leaking, if there is block or leakage, should fix immediately.

Welcome to GN website to check more detail

Mud management/recycle system’s design

Drilling fluid was necessary for oil&gas drilling system,in some big HDD/TBM system,it was needed too

For the mud system’s design we need consider item as below:


When particle running at tydrocyclone,it will damage inwall of cone,normally the desander/desilter was made my metal material like gray iron or stainless steel,is hard enough,but service life will be short when treating some special mud,and fall off metal will effect density of mud,not suitable for some project

GN choose high quality PU material desander/desilter,to keep unit’s service life long enough,and keep mud’s state well

2.fluid surcafe balance

Most tank in solids control is top open design,the mud will freely move when overflow,GN have negative direction overflow design,untreated mud can’t move into clean mud,keep drilling work stable

3.cutting point

In some mini mud system,we will choose double deck shaker for solids control,the mesh’s choose was not like regular compound mode,the top deck need treat mud after hydrocyclone,the size should be small,the bottom deck is for untreated mud,size was bigger capacity

The mud cleaner can treat most mud and same tank’s top space,but in some condition,the solids part will carry more fluid after cleaner,because of not enough screen area,so in some deep drilling system,The desander and desiliter shoud install in different shaker,to keep treated solids more dry

5.tank volume

Some big dproject will need more fluid to support drilling,we will design longer storage tank,but with volume raise,the agitator/mud gun’s choose should be more,to keep mud mixing enough,like agitator’s impellar quantity will be 2,mud gun’s connect size should raise ,make mix power enough

GN will keep develop mud system,to bring better product for client

Shocking protection for solids control transportation

Shocking protection for solids control transportation is very important for equipment use,GN treat it seriously to give client best product

Most solids control equipment is working by physical way,and running by motor and bearing

For keep equipments running well and long service life,before shipment or transportation,must do necessary fix way to keep equipment stable,like decanter centrifuge/shale shaker/vertical cutting dryer

The shale shaker’s spring of basket is designed for work,when shipping by air/sea/truck,the sudden joit will damage it and the maintenance will need many cost and time

Most important work point of centrifuge is balance,if fixing bowl by bracer,it can keep main screw and bearing stable when transportation,raise service life of whole unit

Same like vertical cutting dryer,the most equipment related about motor and bearing,need keep stable state when transportation,to make sure the parts not damaged and keep balance

Some user didn’t know the shocking protection design of equipment,and cause the service life become very short by moving,so,the best way is apply the equipment supplier arrange engineer to jobsite and make lesson for everyone,it totally worth it,to reduce maintenance cost and better treatment result

There is some special shocking protect way like use deck to fix,like photo attached, Vertical cutting dryer with Mounted in a metal pallet during shipment,the pallet will remove when installing at skid

GN solids control will use professional design to give best protect for equipment,let client get perfect product


Control and set up of GN vacuum pump

GNSP Sludge Vacuum Pump is able to produce high vacuum up to 25”HG (Mercury Column) for transfer liquid, drilling cuttings, sludge and solids.

The pump is without any rotation items. With special structure design and powerful suction capability, it can be used at tough environmental for solids transfer, high working performance and less maintenance

It’s very important to learn right way to use the equipment,below was photo explain of vacuum pump

Manual control and setting of time controller


All valve will not move(open or close) after finished set 2 switch levers

Control switch lever as same as Form1,based on different use way and request,valve will change follow switch lever

Work mode Manual loading Manual unloading Auto
A/M Switch lever Switch to Manual Switch to Manual Switch to Auto
L/U Switch lever Switch to Loading Switch to Unloading Switch to Default
Gas gate valve Open Close
Feeding gate valve Open Close
Discharge gate valve Close Open
Gas jet tube ball valve Open Close
Discharge tube ball valve Close Open
Pressure number (Mpa) >0.55Mpa >0.55Mpa
Time test until 70% test until empty
Form 1

1.When loading mud,computing the time between vacuum tank empty to 70% full,to set L time controler

2.When unloading mud,computing the time between vacuum tank 70%full to empty,to set D time controler

3.The auto mode can go on when manual mode running well,control switch same to form1’s auto mode set


More detail,please contact GN solids control

Screw conveyor and use Area

In the solids control processing and waste management work systems, the screw conveyor are widely used in transporting main solid part. Screw conveyor also called auger. The out look of screw conveyor like long boxes connect together and with impeller in it, with rotation of the impeller, the materials can be transported to collecting tank/box.

Theauger could be positioned in with a slope, and within a certain slope angle, the materials could be transported to enough height. for practice, like in a generalized solids control system, the screw conveyor are used in different places as below:

  1. in WBM (water based mud) solids control system, the screw conveyor is also can be used to collect the drilling cuttings discharged from the desander and desilter,also the solids control centrifuge,and another auger is used to transport cutting to the solidification unit, normally is the final treatment for the drilling cuttings.
  2. when auger is always in slope situation, which is used in receiving the solids cuttings from shaker and feed it tovertical cuttings reduce liquid part
  3. one set of screw conveyor used to collect solids cuttings from the shale shaker, and transport the80% dry cutting to tank or continue screw conveyor
  4. screw conveyor are also used to collect the drilling cuttings discharged sometime by the vertical cuttings dryer and waste managementhigh speed decanter centrifugeand deliver them to the solidification unit.

For screw conveyor,the solids part must be high enough,or most liquid part will go to bottom of unit,for this situation,we may consider sludge vacuum transfer pump

GN Solids Control is the manufacturer for solids control and waste management systems and solution in China. also GN solids control focus on provides complete closed loop of zero discharge solutions to oil and gas drilling industry. Such solution includes: the solids control systems for drilling rigs ranging from 500 HP(horse power) work over rig to 2000 HP deep oil and gas drilling rigs, the drilling cuttings waste management system for both WBM(water based mud) and OBM(oil based mud), solidification unit for final treatment of drilling cuttings, for drilling fluids, GN has dewatering unit and dewatering centrifuges of high speed. And GNSC series screw conveyors are greatly used in those GN systems.

More question,please click our website

How to choose air compressor for vacuum pump

GN solids control supply vacuum pump,have some advice for the pump user

Vacuum pump is a new way for transfer material like sludge or slurry,compare with auger(screw conveyor),the vacuum transfer pump can save more space and make transfer work more clean

The pump is without any rotation items. With special structure design and powerful suction capability, it can be used at tough environmental for solids transfer

The vacuum pump is not work alone,it need air compressor to feed the pump

Normally vacuum pump will have minimum request for air compressor, like 17mm³/min(600CFM) at 550Kpa-795Kpa(80-114PSI),it means advice user prepare air compressor can fit this air demand and pressure,or higher,then the vacuum pump can work stable

The transfer/discharge distance is not fixed,it will change based on different material,transfer material should have enough flowability,can’t make pipe block and poor flowability means shorder distance vacuum can transfer,normally the manufacture will test transfer distance by clean water,and mark MDD(maximum discharge distance),higher capacity air compressor can make MDD longer


The compressor will include 5 parts,then to feed pump:

1.Main compressor

2.Air tank




Some manufacture will supply main compressor signally,so,please mention to get all 5 part,then the vacuum pump can running

The vacuum pump can transfer waste mud/solids,drilling fluid,or hazardous waste recovery,for oil sludge in tank bottom clean,even sand course,fine,conventional and frac sand is supported

More use way of vacuum pump,please contact GN solids control

TBM drilling

GN solids control can supply equipment for TBM drilling by mud system

There are two main methods : earth pressure balanced (EPB) and slurry type shield machine. Selection of shield method depends on surface conditions ,ground conditions, dimensions of the tunnel section,tunnel alignment , boring distanceand construction period. Both are closed-face type shield machines, meaning the “head” part of machine is “closed” and separated from the rear part of machine. The “head” has a working/running chamber filled with soil or slurry between the cutting face and bulkhead to stabilize the cutting face under soil pressure . The EPB type shield machine turns the excavated soil into mud pressure and holds it under soil pressure to stabilize the cutting surface. It have system to cut the soil, mixing system to mix the excavated soil into mud pressure, soil discharge solution system to discharge the soil and control system to keep the soil pressure uniform. Therefore, EPB may not be applicable for the rocky soil that is hard to turn the excavated soil into slurry or sludge. It can be used at ground predominated by clayer soil. The slurry kind shield machine, on the other way, uses the external pressurized slurry to stabilize the cutting face, similar to bored piles or diaphragm walls using bentonite to contain the trench wall. The slurry is circulated to transport the excavated soil by fluid conveyance. Besides having excavation system, the slurry type shield machine has slurry feed and discharge equipment to circulate and pressurize slurry and slurry processing equipment on the ground to adjust the slurry properties.

A tunnel boring machine (TBM), also known as a “mole”, is a machine used to excavate tunnels with a circular cross section through a variety of soil and rock strata. They may also be used for microtunneling. They can bore through anything from hard rock to sand. Tunnel diameters can range from a metre (done with micro-TBMs) to 19.25 metres to date. Tunnels of less than a metre or so in diameter are typically done using trenchless construction methods or horizontal directional drilling rather than TBMs.

Tunnel boring machines are used as an alternative to drilling and blasting (D&B) methods in rock and conventional “hand mining” in soil. TBMs have the advantages of limiting the disturbance to the surrounding ground and producing a smooth tunnel wall. This significantly reduces the cost of lining the tunnel, and makes them suitable to use in heavily urbanized areas. The major disadvantage is the upfront cost. TBMs are expensive to construct, and can be difficult to transport. The longer the tunnel, the less the relative cost of tunnel boring machines versus drill and blast methods. This is because tunneling with TBMs is much more efficient and results in shortened completion times, assuming they operate successfully.