Mud guns are meant to provide supplemental or primary mixing in mud tanks depending on the number being used and the pit size. They are best used in tank corners to keep solids from settling and a mud agitator is placed in the tank center.

How to operate the mud gun?
A. Safty information
TURN OFF. LOCK OUT, and TAG OUT the electrical power supply to the pumps feeding the mud guns before servicing.
Inspect the unit regularly, and replace damaged or worn components only with parts supplied by the original equipment manufacturer.
Before entering a mud tank for any reason, the mud agitators should be locked out and tagged out.
B. General maintenance
1. Grease the swivel once a week. Add (2) shots of a multipurpose NLGI no 2 grease.
2. Visually inspect the mud gun assembly for any leaks, loose fittings once a week. Repair as required.
3. Inspect mud gun jet nozzle for excessive wear. The nozzle has a 5/8” bore when new. The nozzle should be changed when the bore is 7/8” or higher. This should be done once a month.
Once installation is complete, the unit can be started by turning the feed pump on. The direction of discharge may be modified to suit the operators requirements by rotating the swivel.