GN solids control mud system can be used for both oil & gas drilling and water well drilling. Water wellis an excavation or structure created in the ground by drilling to access groundwater in underground aquifers. Most shallow well drilling machines are mounted on large trucks, trailers, or tracked vehicle carriages. Water wells typically range from 3 to 18 m deep, but in some areas can go deeper than 900 m.

Most of the water well drilling rig is trailer mounted or truck mounted, for convenient transportation from one place to another. Some contractors do not process the used mud from water well drilling, but recently there are more strict laws for environment protection, they have to search for small mud recycling system to complete the job. They prefer trailer mounted mud system, GN 200gpm trailer mounted mud recycling system is widely used for water well drilling. Total transportation dimension is 5500x2300x4000mm( including the trailer height), it meets the transportation limit in most of the countries in the world( you do not need to remove anything when transport in domestic). You only need to remove the mud cleaner and shale shaker from the tank, then I can fit for 40feet standard container.
GN200gpm trailer mounted mud system including:
GNZS752 shale shaker 1set
GNZJ752 mud cleaner 1 set
2 centrifugal pump (1 for feeding, 1 for mixing hopper)
Mixing hopper 1 unit
Mud gun 1 unit
Trailer amounted mud tank 1 unit
If you are interested in GN200gpm trailer mounted mud recycling system, welcome to contact GN sales.