Drilling mud system

GN solids control is one of the most professional drilling mud system manufacturer. GN offers a variety of drilling mud sytsem to fit your need in oil & gas drilling, water well drilling, horizontal directional drilling, geothermal well drilling, Coal bed methane, drilling waste management, etc. We can be your first line supplier for all of your drilling needs.

The working principle of most of drilling mud system is to separate large solids or cuttings to recycle the drilling mud. A common drilling mud system will include shale shaker, desander, mud cleaner, decanter centrifuge, mud agitator, centrifugal pump, mud gun, mud tank with accessories. Sometimes we will reduce some equipments according to the drilling mud condition.

drilling mud system
drilling mud system

What kind of drilling mud system we offer?

By transportation method:

Skid mounted mud tank system( common) and trailer mounted

By processing rate:

200gpm, 350gpm, 500gpm, 800gpm, 1000gpm, 1400gom mud system

By application:

Oil& gas drilling mud system, HDD mud system, CBM mud system, drilling waste management system

We provide technical support, layout drawing and flow process drawing, welcome to contact us for drilling mud system.


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