API To Micron for Shaker screen mesh

Many clients asked us this question, how to revert API To Micron for Shaker screen mesh,even most of shaker screens manufactures in China do not have this knowledge. Some manufacturers use the API number as mesh directly, this will be incorrect, if clients do not have professional knowledge, they will use the wrong mesh screens and can not get the ideal result.

Here we will introduce how to revert API To Micron for Shaker screen.

API shaker screen
API shaker screen
Mesh Conversion table
mesh Micron API range Inches
20 840 0.84 0.0331
30 590 0.59 0.0232
40 420 0.42 0.0165
50 297 0.30 0.0117
60 250 0.25 0.0098
70 210 0.21 0.0083
80 177 0.18 0.0070
100 149 0.15 0.0059
120 125 0.13 0.0049
140 105 0.11 0.0041
170 88 0.088 0.0035
200 74 0.074 0.0029
230 62 0.062 0.0024
270 53 0.053 0.0021
325 44 0.044 0.0017

This is a chart to show how to convert mesh to microns, to know how to convert microns( D100 separation), then to know how to convert mesh to API, or API to mesh, pls contact GN solids control.

We can produce replacement shaker screens for Derrick 500, Derrick 48-30, Kem-tron KTL48, Swaco Mongoose, Brandt King Cobra shaker screens.


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