Drilling mud suction tank is the requirements of our client mud system second tank.The first tank :Oilfield shale shaker tank (1).
Details of the mud suction tank for the 1000HP drilling mud system.
500 bbls mud suction tank. three (3) compartment suction tank with two (2) 15’-6’’ long x 10’ wide x 8’ high suction

compartment and one (1) 8’ long x 10’ wide x 8’ high pill compartment mounted on a 40’ skid per above general spesifications and including:
top grating. includes tubing handrials and toe boards.
one (1) psi 10 hp mud agitator supplied and mounted in pill compartment.
one (1) psi 10 hp agrtator supplied mounted in each suction compartment.
three (3) 3’’ bottom mud guns with butterfly valves.
three (3) 10’’ butterfly valve clean-out gates – one (1) in each compartment.
two (2) 10’’ suction lines, one (1) for each mud pump.
mud pump to be capable of suching from any compartment.
one (1) mud lap on suction tank with 1’’ water tap.
8’’ suction line in each compartment of the suction tank for mud mix.
6’’ discharge from mud mix in each suction tank compartment and pill tank.
16’’ x 18’’ mud ditch with 10’’ dump gate to each compartment
two (2) stairs to ground with handrials.
one (1) 1’’ diameter x 25’ long valved water x 25’ long valved water washdown hose.
Pls following GN Solids Control,we will update you with the info. for the second mud tanks of the system.