How to use a vibrator of shale shaker, it contains two keys: disassembly of the bibrator of shale shaker, reassembly of shale shaker. And you need exactly remmber that disconnect power to the electric motor and lock the disconnect swithch in the open position.
Disassembly of the Vibrator of Shale Shaker
WARNING: Disconnect power to the electric motor and lock the disconnect swithch in the open position.

1. Remove motor and drive pulley guard.
2. Remove the counterweight guard from both ends of the vibrator shaft.
3. Loosen the four motor support bolts located under the motor, loosen the V-belts and remove them.
4. Remove the V-belt sheave , by first loosening its taper lock hub.
5. Remove the counterweights , by removing the clamp screws and reusing the screw to open the slots in the counterweights, by tightening the screws into the tapped holes.
6. Remove the collars and the retainers with the Spiro lox rings in their grooves. Remove cartridge cap screws.
7. Remove retaining ring from the drive side only. By striking on one end of the shaft with a lead hammer or a hammer and a block of hardwood, it is possible to start to drive out the cartridge on the other side.
8. Then it should be easy to pry either or both cartridges loose from their bores in the housing ends. If difficulty is experienced a cartridge can be bumped from the inside by striking the shaft again at the other end. When one cartridge is removed the shaft can be slipped from the housing.
9. The bearing remaining in the other cartridge should be removed by using 3 long 3/8” NC cap screws and pushing the bearing out. Before inserting the cap screws, the setscrews must be removed.
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Reassembly of the Vibrator of Shale Shaker
1. Be sure the housing, cartridges, bearings, shafts, etc. are clean. Flush the bearing with (200° F) light transformer, spindle, or automotive flushing oil; DO NOT USE KEROSENE OR GASOLINE.
2. Make a sub-assembly of the bearing, cartridges, Spiro lox rings , and the setscrews . The latter must be replaced in the cartridges as in the original assembly if they have been removed to use longer cap screws for bearing removal.
3. Position and secure on such cartridge-bearing sub-assembly in the housing end on the drive side. Slide the shaft thru the housing from the other side and slip it through the bearing bore. Rotate the shaft while installing the Spiro lox rings . Secure the shaft axially to the drive side bearing by forcing the retaining ring into its groove in the shaft.
4. Slip the other cartridge-bearing sub-assembly over the shaft on the side opposite the drive end. Push and tap it into position in the housing end, lifting on the shaft end to center all components properly. Secure cartridges with cap screws and lock washers .
5. Be sure that the shaft and bearings turn freely. Pack both bearings with recommended grease.
6. Slip Spiro lox rings into the retainer grooves. Pack the retainers with grease to the bottom of the shaft. Slip over the shaft ends, push into position, and fasten with cap screws .
7. Put indexing collars on shafts. The notched edge of these collars should face the shaft ends. Looking down on these collars, the umbers on the indexing bands will read counter clockwise on one side and clockwise on the other side. Secure the setscrew collars over the key.
8. Mount the counterweight on the shafts using the clamp screw in the tapped hole to open the slot to facilitate mounting. Make certain that the projecting lugs of each counterweight engage with the corresponding numbered notches in the indexing collars to produce equal unbalancing or vibrating effects at each end of the shaft.
9. Remove the clamp screw from the tapped hole and insert into the through hole in the counterweight. Secure the counterweight by tightening the clamp screws.
10. Install the V-belt sheave and it’s Taper-Lock bushing onto the shaft by tightening the screw in the Taper-Lock bushing.
11. Install the matched set of V-belts and tighten the motor support bolts after the V-belts are adjusted. Tighten only enough to prevent slippage when starting and to prevent belt whip.
12. Install the counterweight guards and the motor pulley guard.
13. Check the bolts for fastening the vibrator housing to the screen box. These bolts should be tightened to 210 ft. lbs.