An Indonesia clients ask us to contact Vermeer Beijing Manufacturer for HDD rig spare parts,they want to buy new HDD mud system from us,and want to replace some spare parts for their HDD Vemeer rig.
Vemeer China VBM Company, is Balama VBM : Vermeer Beijing Manufacture Joint venture Vermeer USA with Balama China

As per our comunication before I want to inform below :
Now we have Vermeer HDD D130X150, this rig made from Vermeer Beijing Manufacture (VBM), joint venture vermeer and balama china, ( We use drill pipe : vermeer Firestick One Piece Drill Rods 88.90 mm x 6.09 meters.
I want to buy DCI Eclipse SST complate, but some of pieces equipment and tooling must be required for operation of the SST. Such as :
1. Non-magnetic housing for SST transmitter
2. Monel (non-magnetic drill rod) approximately 15 ft (3 m) long for use between the nonmag housing and the first drill rod. A second monel may be required if you are using a mud motor.
3. Mud Motor and Tricone Drill Head
Kindly you help me for check the spare parts and pricing in China by Vermeer Beijing Manufacturer?