HDD Mud System-GN Solids Control

HDD mud system and equipments are becoming a very important market for GN Solids Control, China  leading manufacturer  specializing  in complete line of  equipments for drilling mud system.GN Drilling mud equipments are widely used in oil & gas drilling,and HDD mud system.

HDD mud system
HDD mud system

Australian HDD drilling company inquiry for mud system

Can you please supply me pricing on your HDD horizontal directional drilling mud tank systems.
I am looking for small units that will clean 130 gal and larger units to clean up to 1000 gal per minute.

Indonesia HDD drilling contractor for mud system:

My Company is Contractor Horizontal Directional Drilling(HDD).I Am interesting with MUD Cleaner ZQJ250×100B.Please quote me and send information about this product to my Email.

Nice to hear your voice in phone. Thankyou for your quotation. As per our inquiry, I want to order completed this Solid system. Here, I attached the system from Mud Tech. The system consist of, mud shale shaker, desander, desilter, mud tank, mixing system, generator set, hopper etc. I hope you have the equivalent product, with the same capasity, realibility and performance. But I dont want skid mounted, and the system can do disassembly.

I hope you can submitted to me your quotation that equivalent product and performance.

After two days discussion,the Indonesia clients are going to order a complete HDD mud system from us in next week.

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