As a shale shaker manufacturer,GN Solids Control supply shale shaker screens from our OEM factory,now we are going to research and manufacture shale shaker screens in our own factory to assure the best quality for our custome

API RP 13C is a new physical testing and labeling procedure for shale shaker screens. To be API RP 13C compliant, a shaker screen must be tested and labeled in accordance with the new recommended practice.
Shale Shakers China shaker screen Supplier
Great disparity and performance in screens throughout the oil and gas drilling industry. But now With API RP 13C, API RP 13C is here. So you know exactly what you’re buying!
- Two tests were devised: cut point and conductance. The tests describe a screen without predicting its performance and can be performed anywhere in the world.
- After identifying the cut point and conductance, complying with API RP 13C requires application of a permanent tag or label to the screen in a position that will be both visible and legible. Both cut point expressed as an API number and conductance shown in kD/mm are required on the screen label.
- Internationally, API RP 13C is ISO 13501 for screens
The new procedure is a revision of the previous API RP 13E, which was based on optical measurements of the screen opening using a microscope and computer analysis. Under API RP 13E, screen designations were based on individual manufacturer test methods, producing inconsistent labeling.
Required Shaker Screen Label Information

After identifying the cut point and conductance, complying with API RP 13C requires application of a permanent tag or label to the screen in a position that will be both visible and legible. Both cut point expressed as an API number and conductance shown in kD/mm are required on the screen label. Previously, screens were labeled in accordance with manufacturer specifications.