One of our customer require a customized mud is our QA about the mud cleaner and shale shaker.
Q1 Do you have dimensions of your proposed shaker setup to see if it will fit our system .
A 1,Dimensions of our proposed shaker,last email we offer you the shaker according to your screen dimensions.Pls check the following dimensions to see if it will fit your system.If not,pls provide your requirements for the dimensions.
Dimension | 2050×1600×1500mm |
Length: 2050mm Width:1600mm Height:1500mm (Total height of the shaker and desilter)
Do you use panel screens that are put in with wedges .
Q 2, We use two kind of screens A and B, pls tell us which one you prefer?
A,Show in picture 1
Picture 1 mud cleaner

B, Panel screens that are put in with wedges
Show in picture 2
Picture 2
The wedges for shale shaker

Q 3 Do you have diagrams of your proposed mud cleaner or shale shaker?
A 3,The whole mud cleaner is combine by picture3 shaker and picture4 desilter.The hydrocylone desilter is installed above the shaker.No desander.
And the type of the screen can be different as in Q2
Picture 3 double deck shale Shakers