Mechanical Treatment for drilling fluids solids

Mechanical Treatment for drilling fluids solids

The present solids control system use Mechanical Treatment for drilling fluids solids

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This is the method of mechanically removing solids using shale shakers or hydrocyclone devices such as; desanders and desilters. Each piece of equipment is general limited to the following range of particle removal:
1.    Standard shale shaker – 440 microns or larger (also referred to as the scalping shaker)
2.    Fine screen shaker – 74 microns or larger
3.    Desanders – 100 microns & larger
4.   Desilter – 15 microns & larger

Correctly implemented each piece of mechanical equipment is effective within a certain particle size range. Utilizing all or a combination of the above equipment throughout your boring program will produce maximum benefits and

result in a cost effective means of controlling your solids within an affordable budget.

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